Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version
National Transportation Statistics 2006

National Transportation Statistics 2006

December 2006

NOTE: This edition of the National Transportation Statistics is provided as a historical reference. A newer edition of this publication, with more recent data for many items, is available. Some information and data in the historical document for a stated time period may differ from that for the same time period in the newer edition, reflecting revisions in the data by the source.

Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Publication
Front Matter
Table A - Social and Economic Characteristics of the United States
Chapter 1 - The Transportation System
Section A - Physical Extent
Table 1-1 - System Mileage Within the United States (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-2 - Number of Air Carriers, Railroads, Interstate Motor Carriers, Marine Vessel Operators, and Pipeline Operators (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-3 - Number of U.S. Airports (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-4 - Public Road and Street Mileage in the United States by Type of Surface (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-5 - U.S. Public Road and Street Mileage by Functional System (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-6 - Estimated U.S. Roadway Lane-Miles by Functional System (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-7 - Number of Stations Served by Amtrak and Rail Transit, Fiscal Year (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-8 - ADA Lift- or Ramp-Equipped Transit Buses (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-9 - ADA-Accessible Rail Transit Stations by Agency (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-10 - U.S. Oil and Gas Pipeline Mileage (Updated September 2006)
Section B - Vehicle, Aircraft, and Vessel Inventory
Table 1-11 - Number of U.S. Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other Conveyances (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-12 - U.S. Sales or Deliveries of New Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other Conveyances (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-13 - Active U.S. Air Carrier and General Aviation Fleet by Type of Aircraft (Updated June 2006)
Table 1-14 - U.S. Automobile and Truck Fleets by Use (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-15 - Annual U.S. Motor Vehicle Production and Factory (Wholesale) Sales (Updated January 2007)
Table 1-16 - Retail New Passenger Car Sales (Updated January 2007)
Table 1-17 - New and Used Passenger Car Sales and Leases (Updated June 2005)
Table 1-18 - Retail Sales and Lease of New Cars by Sector (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-19 - Period Sales, Market Shares, and Sales-Weighted Fuel Economies of New Domestic and Imported Automobiles
Table 1-20 - Period Sales, Market Shares, and Sales-Weighted Fuel Economies of New Domestic and Imported Light Trucks
Table 1-21 - Number of Trucks by Weight
Table 1-22 - World Motor Vehicle Production, Selected Countries (Updated January 2007)
Table 1-23 - Number and Size of the U.S. Flag Merchant Fleet and Its Share of the World Fleet
Section C - Condition
Table 1-24 - U.S. Airport Runway Pavement Conditions (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-25 - Median Age of Automobiles and Trucks in Operation in the United States (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-26 - Condition of U.S. Roadways by Functional System (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-27 - Condition of U.S. Bridges (Updated January 2007)
Table 1-28a - Average Age of Urban Transit Vehicles (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-28b - Condition of Urban Bus and Rail Transit Maintenance Facilities (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-28c - Condition of Rail Transit Infrastructure (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-29 - Class I Railroad Locomotive Fleet by Year Built (Updated January 2007)
Table 1-30 - Age and Availability of Amtrak Locomotive and Car Fleets
Table 1-31 - U.S. Flag Vessels by Type and Age (Updated April 2006)
Section D - Travel and Goods Movement
Table 1-32 - U.S. Vehicle-Miles (Updated January 2007)
Table 1-33 - Roadway Vehicle-Miles Traveled (VMT) and VMT per Lane-Mile by Functional Class (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-34 - U.S. Air Carrier Aircraft Departures, Enplaned Revenue Passengers, and Enplaned Revenue Tons (Updated June 2006)
Table 1-35 - Average Length of Haul, Domestic Freight and Passenger Modes (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-36 - Worldwide Commercial Space Launches (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-37 - U.S. Passenger-Miles (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-38 - Principal Means of Transportation to Work (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-39 - Long-Distance Travel in the United States by Selected Trip Characteristics: 2001
Table 1-40 - Long-Distance Travel in the United States by Selected Traveler Characteristics: 2001
Table 1-41 - Passengers Boarded at the Top 50 U.S. Airports (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-42 - Air Passenger Travel Arrivals in the United States
Table 1-43 - Air Passenger Travel Departures from the United States
Table 1-44 - U.S.-Canadian Border Land-Passenger Gateways: Entering the United States (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-45 - U.S.-Mexican Border Land-Passenger Gateways: Entering the United States (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-46a - U.S. Ton-Miles of Freight (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-46b - U.S. Ton-Miles of Freight (BTS Special Tabulation) (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-47 - Top U.S. Foreign Trade Freight Gateways by Value of Shipments (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-48 - U.S.-Canadian Border, Land Freight Gateways: Number of Truck or Railcar Crossings (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-49 - U.S.-Mexican Border, Land Freight Gateways: Number of Truck or Railcar Crossings (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-50 - U.S. Waterborne Freight (Updated January 2006)
Table 1-51 - Tonnage of Top 50 U.S. Water Ports, Ranked by Total Tons (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-52 - Freight Activity in the United States: 1993, 1997, and 2002 (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-53 - Value, Tons, and Ton-Miles of Freight Shipments within the United States by Domestic Establishments, 2002P (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-54 - Value of U.S. Land Exports to and Imports from Canada and Mexico by Mode (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-55 - Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Transported in the United States by Mode (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-56 - U.S. Hazardous Materials Shipments by Transportation Mode, 2002 (Updated April 2005)
Table 1-57 - U.S. Hazardous Materials Shipments by Hazard Class, 2002 (Updated April 2005)
Section E - Physical Performance
Table 1-58 - Passengers Denied Boarding by the Largest U.S. Air Carriers (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-59 - Mishandled-Baggage Reports Filed by Passengers with the Largest U.S. Air Carriers (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-60 - Flight Operations Arriving On Time by the Largest U.S. Air Carriers (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-61 - FAA-Cited Causes of Departure and En route Delays (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-62 - Major U.S. Air Carrier Delays, Cancellations, and Diversions (Updated April 2006)
Table 1-63 - Annual Person-Hours of Highway Traffic Delay per Person (Updated June 2005)
Table 1-64 - Travel Time Index (Updated September 2005)
Table 1-65 - Annual Roadway Congestion Index (Updated September 2005)
Table 1-66 - Annual Highway Congestion Cost (Updated June 2005)
Table 1-67 - Amtrak On-Time Performance Trends and Hours of Delay by Cause
Chapter 2 - Transportation Safety
Section A - Multimodal
Table 2-1 - Transportation Fatalities by Mode (Updated January 2007)
Table 2-2 - Injured Persons by Transportation Mode (Updated September 2006)
Table 2-3 - Transportation Accidents by Mode (Updated September 2006)
Table 2-4 - Distribution of Transportation Fatalities by Mode (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-5 - Highway-Rail Grade-Crossing Safety and Property Damage Data (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-6 - Hazardous Materials Fatalities, Injuries, Accidents, and Property Damage Data (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-7 - Transportation-Related Occupational Fatalities (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-8 - Reporting Thresholds for Property Damage by U.S. Department of Transportation Modal Administrations (Updated December 2006)
Section B - Air
Table 2-9 - U.S. Air Carrier Safety Data (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-10 - U.S. Commuter Air Carrier Safety Data (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-11 - U.S. Air Carrier Fatal Accidents by First Phase of Operation (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-12 - U.S. Commuter Air Carrier Fatal Accidents by First Phase of Operation (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-13 - U.S. On-Demand Air Taxi Safety Data (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-14 - U.S. General Aviation Safety Data (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-15 - Number of Pilot-Reported Near Midair Collisions (NMAC) by Degree of Hazard (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-16a - Airline Passenger Screening Results by Type of Weapons Detected, Persons Arrested, and Bomb Threats Received
Table 2-16b - Prohibited Items Intercepted at Airport Screening Checkpoints (Updated December 2004)
Section C - Highway
Table 2-17 - Motor Vehicle Safety Data (Updated January 2007)
Table 2-18 - Motor Vehicle Fatalities, Vehicle-Miles, and Associated Rates by Highway Functional System (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-19 - Occupant Fatalities by Vehicle Type and Nonoccupant Fatalities (Updated April 2006)
Table 2-20 - Occupant and Non-Motorist Fatalities in Crashes by Number of Vehicles and Alcohol Involvement
Table 2-21 - Passenger Car Occupant Safety Data (Updated June 2005)
Table 2-22 - Motorcycle Rider Safety Data (Updated June 2005)
Table 2-23 - Truck Occupant Safety Data (Updated June 2005)
Table 2-24 - Bus Occupant Safety Data (Updated June 2005)
Table 2-25 - Fatalities by Highest Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in Highway Crashes (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-26 - Number of States with Different Types of Anti-DUI/DWI Legislation in Effect as of January 1 of the Listed Year
Table 2-27 - Motor Vehicle Fatal Crashes by Day of Week, Time of Day, and Weather and Light Conditions (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-28 - Motor Vehicle Fatal Crashes by Posted Speed Limit (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-29 - Safety Belt and Motorcycle Helmet Use (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-30 - Estimated Number of Lives Saved by Use of Restraints (Updated January 2007)
Section D - Transit
Table 2-31 - Transit Safety and Property Damage Data (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-32 - Transit Safety Data by Mode for All Reported Accidents (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-33a - Transit Safety Data by Mode for All Reported Incidents (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-33b - Transit and Grade-Crossing Fatalities by Rail Transit Mode (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-33c - Transit and Grade-Crossing Injuries by Rail Transit Mode (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-33d - Transit and Grade-Crossing Incidents by Rail Transit Mode (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-34 - Reports of Violent Crime, Property Crime, and Arrests by Transit Mode (Updated June 2006)
Section E - Railroad
Table 2-35 - Railroad and Grade-Crossing Fatalities by Victim Class (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-36 - Railroad and Grade-Crossing Injured Persons by Victim Class (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-37 - Train Fatalities, Injuries, and Accidents by Type of Accident (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-38 - Railroad Passenger Safety Data (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-39 - Railroad System Safety and Property Damage Data (Updated June 2006)
Table 2-40 - Fatalities and Injuries of On-Duty Railroad Employees (Updated June 2006)
Section F - Water
Table 2-41 - Waterborne Transportation Safety and Property Damage Data Related to Vessel Casualties (Updated January 2007)
Table 2-42 - Waterborne Transportation Safety Data not Related to Vessel Casualties (Updated June 2005)
Table 2-43 - Recreational Boating Safety, Alcohol Involvement, and Property Damage Data (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-44 - Personal Watercraft Safety Data (Updated December 2006)
Table 2-45 - U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue Statistics, Fiscal Year (Updated April 2006)
Section G - Pipeline
Table 2-46 - Hazardous Liquid and Natural Gas Pipeline Safety (Updated April 2005)
Chapter 3 - Transportation and the Economy
Section A - Transportation And The Total Economy
Table 3-1a - U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to For-Hire Transportation Services (Current $ billions) (Updated January 2007)
Table 3-1b - U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to For-Hire Transportation Services (Chained 2000 $ billions) (Updated April 2006)
Table 3-2a - U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to Transportation-Related Final Demand (Current $ billions) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-2b - U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to Transportation-Related Final Demand (Chained 2000 $ billions) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-3a - U.S. Gross Domestic Demand (GDD) Attributed to Transportation-Related Final Demand (Current $ billions) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-3b - U.S. Gross Domestic Demand (GDD) Attributed to Transportation-Related Final Demand (Chained 2000 $ billions) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-4a - Contributions to Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Selected Industries (Current $ billions) (Updated January 2006)
Table 3-4b - Contributions to Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Selected Industries (Chained 2000 $ billions) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-5 - Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Major Social Function (Updated April 2005)
Table 3-6 - National Transportation and Economic Trends
Section B - Transportation And Consumer Expenditures
Table 3-7 - Passenger and Freight Transportation Expenditures
Table 3-8 - Sales Price of Transportation Fuel to End-Users (Updated June 2006)
Table 3-9 - Price Trends of Gasoline v. Other Consumer Goods and Services (Updated June 2005)
Table 3-10a - Producer Price Indices for Transportation Services (SIC) (Updated April 2005)
Table 3-10b - Producer Price Indices for Transportation Services and Warehousing Services (NAICS) (Updated June 2005)
Table 3-11a - Producer Price Indices for Transportation Equipment
Table 3-11b - Producer Price Indices for Transportation Equipment, NAICS Basis (Updated June 2005)
Table 3-12 - Personal Expenditures by Category (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-13 - Personal Consumption Expenditures on Transportation by Subcategory (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-14 - Average Cost of Owning and Operating an Automobile (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-15a - Average Passenger Fares (Current $) (Updated September 2006)
Table 3-15b - Average Passenger Fares (Chained 2000 $) (Updated January 2007)
Section C - Transportation Revenues, Employment, And Productivity
Table 3-16 - Average Passenger Revenue per Passenger-Mile (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-17 - Average Freight Revenue per Ton-Mile (Updated June 2006)
Table 3-18 - Total Operating Revenues (Updated June 2006)
Table 3-19a - Employment in For-Hire Transportation and Selected Transportation-Related Industries (SIC)
Table 3-19b - Employment in For-Hire Transportation and Selected Transportation-Related Industries (NAICS) (Updated September 2006)
Table 3-20a - Employment in Transportation Occupations
Table 3-20b - Employment in Transportation and Transportation-Related Occupations (Updated January 2006)
Table 3-21a - Average Wage and Salary Accruals per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Transportation Industry (SIC)
Table 3-21b - Average Wage and Salary Accruals per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Transportation Industry (NAICS) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-22a - Median Weekly Earnings of Full-Time Wage and Salary Workers in Transportation by Detailed Occupation
Table 3-22b - Median Weekly Earnings of Full-Time Wage and Salary Workers in Transportation by Detailed Occupation (1998 Standard Occupational Classification [SOC] basis) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-23a - Total Wage and Salary Accruals by Transportation Industry (SIC)
Table 3-23b - Total Wage and Salary Accruals by Transportation Industry (NAICS) (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-24a - Labor Productivity Indices for Selected Transportation Industries (SIC)
Table 3-24b - Labor Productivity Indices for Selected Transportation Industries (NAICS) (Updated December 2006)
Section D - Government Finance
Table 3-25a - Federal, State, and Local Government Transportation-Related Revenues and Expenditures, Fiscal Year (Current $ millions)
Table 3-25b - Federal, State, and Local Government Transportation-Related Revenues and Expenditures, Fiscal Year (Chained 2000 $)
Table 3-26 - Summary of Transportation Revenues and Expenditures from Own Funds and User Coverage, Fiscal Year (Current and chained 2000 $ millions)
Table 3-27a - Transportation Revenues by Mode and Level of Government, Fiscal Year (Current $ millions)
Table 3-27b - Transportation Revenues by Mode and Level of Government, Fiscal Year (Chained 2000 $ millions)
Table 3-28 - Cash Balances of the Transportation-Related Federal Trust Funds, Fiscal Year (Updated December 2006)
Table 3-29a - Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government From Own Funds, Fiscal Year (Current $ millions)
Table 3-29b - Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government From Own Funds, Fiscal Year (Chained 2000 $ millions)
Table 3-30a - Federal Transportation Grants to State and Local Governments by Mode, Fiscal Year (Current $ millions)
Table 3-30b - Federal Transportation Grants to State and Local Governments by Mode, Fiscal Year (Chained 2000 $ millions)
Chapter 4 - Transportation, Energy, and the Environment
Section A - U.S. and Transportation Sector Energy Consumption
Table 4-1 - Overview of U.S. Petroleum Production, Imports, Exports, and Consumption (Updated January 2007)
Table 4-2 - U.S. Consumption of Energy from Primary Sources by Sector (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-3 - Domestic Demand for Refined Petroleum Products by Sector (Updated January 2007)
Section B - Transportation Energy Consumption By Mode
Table 4-4 - U.S. Energy Consumption by the Transportation Sector (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-5 - Fuel Consumption by Mode of Transportation (Updated September 2006)
Table 4-6 - Energy Consumption by Mode of Transportation (Updated September 2006)
Table 4-7 - Domestic Demand for Gasoline by Mode (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-8 - Certificated Air Carrier Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated April 2006)
Table 4-9 - Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-10 - Estimated Consumption of Alternative and Replacement Fuels for Highway Vehicles
Table 4-11 - Passenger Car and Motorcycle Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-12 - Other 2-Axle 4-Tire Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-13 - Single-Unit 2-Axle 6-Tire or More Truck Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-14 - Combination Truck Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-15 - Bus Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-16 - Transit Industry Electric Power and Primary Energy Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-17 - Class I Rail Freight Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated April 2006)
Table 4-18 - Amtrak Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated January 2006)
Table 4-19 - U.S. Government Energy Consumption by Agency and Source (Updated December 2006)
Section C - Transportation Energy Intensity And Fuel Efficiency
Table 4-20 - Energy Intensity of Passenger Modes (Updated June 2006)
Table 4-21 - Energy Intensity of Certificated Air Carriers, All Services (Updated June 2006)
Table 4-22 - Energy Intensity of Passenger Cars, Other 2-Axle 4-Tire Vehicles, and Motorcycles (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-23 - Average Fuel Efficiency of U.S. Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (Updated January 2006)
Table 4-24 - Energy Intensity of Transit Motor Buses (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-25 - Energy Intensity of Class I Railroad Freight Service (Updated January 2007)
Table 4-26 - Energy Intensity of Amtrak Services (Updated January 2007)
Table 4-27 - Annual Wasted Fuel Due to Congestion (Updated June 2005)
Table 4-28 - Annual Wasted Fuel per Person (Updated June 2005)
Section D - Air Pollution
Table 4-29 - Federal Exhaust Emission Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Light-Duty Vehicles
Table 4-30a - Federal Exhaust Emission Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Light Duty Trucks (Category LDT1) (Grams per mile)
Table 4-30b - Federal Exhaust Emission Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Light Duty Trucks (Category LDT2) (Grams per mile)
Table 4-30c - Federal Exhaust Emission Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Light Duty Trucks (Category LDT3) (Grams per mile)
Table 4-30d - Federal Exhaust Emission Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Light Duty Trucks (Category LDT4) (Grams per mile)
Table 4-31 - Federal Exhaust Emission Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles (MDPV)
Table 4-32a - Federal Exhaust Emissions Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Light Heavy-Duty Trucks (Grams per brake horsepower-hour)
Table 4-32b - Federal Exhaust Emissions Certification Standards for Newly Manufactured Gasoline- and Diesel-Powered Heavy Heavy-Duty Trucks (Grams per brake horsepower-hour)
Table 4-33 - Federal Exhaust Emissions Standards for Newly Manufactured Motorcycles
Table 4-34 - Federal Exhaust Emissions Standards for Newly Manufactured and In-Use Aircraft Engines
Table 4-35 - Federal Exhaust Emissions Standards for Locomotives
Table 4-36 - Federal Exhaust Emissions Standards for Newly Manufactured Marine Spark-Ignition Outboard, Personal Watercraft, and Jet-Boat Engines
Table 4-37 - Tier 2 Federal Exhaust Emissions Standards for Newly Manufactured Commercial Marine Compression-Ignition Engines
Table 4-38 - Estimated National Average Vehicle Emissions Rates per Vehicle by Vehicle Type Using Gasoline and Diesel (Updated June 2005)
Table 4-39 - Estimated National Average Vehicle Emissions Rates per Vehicle by Vehicle Type Using Reformulated Gasoline and Diesel (Updated June 2005)
Table 4-40 - Estimated National Emissions of Carbon Monoxide
Table 4-41 - Estimated National Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides
Table 4-42 - Estimated National Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds
Table 4-43 - Estimated National Emissions of Particulate Matter (PM-10)
Table 4-44 - Estimated National Emissions of Particulate Matter (PM-2.5)
Table 4-45 - Estimated National Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide
Table 4-46 - Estimated National Emissions of Lead
Table 4-47 - Air Pollution Trends in Selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-48 - Areas in Nonattainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Criteria Pollutants (Updated January 2007)
Table 4-49 - U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Energy Use by Sector
Section E - Water Pollution, Noise And Solid Waste
Table 4-50 - Petroleum Oil Spills Impacting Navigable U.S. Waters
Table 4-51 - Leaking Underground Storage Tank Releases and Cleanups (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-52 - Highway Noise Barrier Construction (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-53 - Number of People Residing in High Noise Areas around U.S. Airports (Updated April 2005)
Table 4-54 - Motor Vehicles Scrapped (Updated December 2006)
Appendix A - Modal Profiles
Air Carrier Profile (Updated April 2006)
General Aviation Profile (Updated January 2006)
Highway Profile (Updated April 2006)
Automobile Profile (Updated April 2006)
Truck Profile (Updated April 2006)
Bus Profile (Updated April 2005)
Transit Profile (Updated December 2006)
Rail Profile (Updated April 2006)
Water Transport Profile (Updated April 2005)
Oil Pipeline Profile (Updated April 2005)
Natural Gas Pipeline Profile (Updated June 2006)
Appendix B - Metric Conversion Tables
Table 1-1M - System Kilometers Within the United States (Updated June 2006)
Table 1-6M - Estimated U.S. Roadway Lane-Kilometers by Functional System (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-32M - U.S. Vehicle-Kilometers (Updated January 2007)
Table 1-33M - Roadway Vehicle-Kilometers Traveled (VKT) and VKT per Lane-Kilometer by Functional Class (Updated December 2006)
Table 1-35M - Average Length of Haul, Domestic Freight and Passenger Modes (Updated April 2005)
Table 1-37M - U.S. Passenger-Kilometers (Updated September 2006)
Table 1-46aM - U.S. Tonne-Kilometers of Freight (Update September 2006)
Table 1-46bM - U.S. Tonne-Kilometers of Freight (BTS Special Tabulation) (Updated September 2005)
Table 1-50M - U.S. Waterborne Freight (Updated January 2006)
Table 1-55M - Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Transported in the United States by Mode (Updated September 2005)
Table 4-3M - Domestic Demand for Refined Petroleum Products by Sector (Updated June 2005)
Table 4-5M - Fuel Consumption by Mode of Transportation
Table 4-6M - Energy Consumption by Mode of Transportation
Table 4-7M - Domestic Demand for Gasoline by Mode (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-8M - Certificated Air Carrier Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated April 2006)
Table 4-9M - Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-11M - Passenger Car and Motorcycle Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-12M - Other 2-Axle 4-Tire Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-13M - Single-Unit 2-Axle 6-Tire or More Truck Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-14M - Combination Truck Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-15M - Bus Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-16M - Transit Industry Electric Power and Primary Energy Consumption and Travel (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-17M - Class I Rail Freight Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated April 2006)
Table 4-18M - Amtrak Fuel Consumption and Travel (Updated January 2006)
Table 4-19M - U.S. Government Energy Consumption by Agency and Source (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-20M - Energy Intensity of Passenger Modes (Updated June 2006)
Table 4-21M - Energy Intensity of Certificated Air Carriers, All Services (Updated June 2006)
Table 4-22M - Energy Intensity of Passenger Cars, Other 2-Axle 4-Tire Vehicles, and Motorcycles (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-23M - Average Fuel Efficiency of U.S. Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Table 4-24M - Energy Intensiveness of Transit Motor Buses (Updated December 2006)
Table 4-25M - Energy Intensity of Class I Railroad Freight Service (Updated January 2007)
Appendix C - Data Source and Accuracy Statements
Chapter 1
Box 1-1
Chapter 2
Box 2-1
Chapter 3
Box 3-1
Chapter 4
Table 4-1
Table 4-2
Appendix D - Glossary
Appendix E - List of Acronyms and Initialisms

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