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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Pool Safety

When we hear the words "pool safety" we usually think of rules such as no running, or precautionary measures like watching children to prevent drowning, but there is more to be aware of when it comes to recreational water safety. Sometimes it's what you can't see that can hurt you.

Bacteria (germs) normally live in and on our bodies, and bathers are the main source of contamination in pools or spas. Bacteria found in pools and spas can cause several types of illness: skin infections or rashes; eye, ear, nose and throat problems; respiratory infections, and; intestinal (diarrhea) infections. Chlorine, the most common pool disinfectant kills most germs, but not all germs.

The following guidelines will help to keep you and your family safe from infection:

  • Do not drink pool water. Remember it is everyone's bath water.
  • Do not swim if you have diarrhea. Even if you don't have an accident, you can still contaminate the water.
  • After using the bathroom or changing a diaper always wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Take your child on bathroom breaks often instead of waiting for them to find you, when it might be too late.
  • If you have open wounds, or obvious known infection that are spread through water, do not swim (there is no evidence that HIV or AIDS is spread through water).
  • Do not share towels or bathing suits.
  • Maintain proper chemical levels to keep pools and spas disinfected.

If you have any questions about recreational water safety please contact the BCOEH at   314-0310.