Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries



TEXT PDF86.10 What does this regulation do?
TEXT PDF86.11 What does the national BIG Program do?
TEXT PDF86.12 Definitions of terms used in part 86.
TEXT PDF86.13 What is boating infrastructure?
TEXT PDF86.14 Who may apply for these grants?
TEXT PDF86.15 How does the grant process work?
TEXT PDF86.16 What are the information collection requirements?
TEXT PDF86.20 What activities are eligible for funding?
TEXT PDF86.21 What activities are ineligible for funding?
TEXT PDF86.30 Must I allow the public to use the grant-funded facilities?
TEXT PDF86.31 How much money may I charge the public to use tie-up facilities?
TEXT PDF86.40 How much money is available for grants?
TEXT PDF86.41 How long will the money be available?
TEXT PDF86.42 What are the match requirements?
TEXT PDF86.43 May someone else supply the match?
TEXT PDF86.44 What are my allowable costs?
TEXT PDF86.45 When will I receive the funds?
TEXT PDF86.50 When must I apply?
TEXT PDF86.51 To whom must I apply?
TEXT PDF86.52 What information must I include in my grant proposals?
TEXT PDF86.53 What are funding tiers?
TEXT PDF86.54 How must I submit proposals?
TEXT PDF86.55 What are my compliance requirements with Federal laws, regulations, and policies?
TEXT PDF86.60 What are the criteria used to select projects for grants?
TEXT PDF86.61 What process does the Service use to select projects for grants?
TEXT PDF86.62 What must I do after my project has been selected?
TEXT PDF86.63 May I appeal if my project is not selected?
TEXT PDF86.70 What are my requirements to acquire, install, operate, and maintain real and personal property?
TEXT PDF86.71 How will I be reimbursed?
TEXT PDF86.72 Do any other Federal requirements apply to this program?
TEXT PDF86.73 What if I do not spend all the money?
TEXT PDF86.74 What if I need more money?
TEXT PDF86.80 What are my reporting requirements for this grant program?
TEXT PDF86.81 When are the reports due?
TEXT PDF86.82 What must be in the reports?
TEXT PDF86.90 What are my responsibilities for information signs?
TEXT PDF86.91 What are my program crediting responsibilities?
TEXT PDF86.92 Who can use the SFR logo?
TEXT PDF86.93 Where should I use the SFR logo?
TEXT PDF86.94 What crediting language should I use?
TEXT PDF86.100 What is the National Framework?
TEXT PDF86.101 What is the Service schedule to adopt the National Framework?
TEXT PDF86.102 How did the Service design the National Framework?
TEXT PDF86.110 What does the State survey do?
TEXT PDF86.111 Must I do a survey?
TEXT PDF86.112 What are the advantages of doing a survey?
TEXT PDF86.113 What if I have recently completed a boat access survey?
TEXT PDF86.114 Do I need to conduct a survey if I already have a plan for installing tie-up facilities?
TEXT PDF86.115 How should I administer the survey?
TEXT PDF86.116 May I change the questions in the survey?
TEXT PDF86.118 What does this survey instrument include?
TEXT PDF86.120 What is the Comprehensive National Assessment?
TEXT PDF86.121 What does the Comprehensive National Assessment do?
TEXT PDF86.122 Who completes the Comprehensive National Assessment?
TEXT PDF86.123 Comprehensive National Assessment schedule.
TEXT PDF86.124 What are the Comprehensive National Assessment products?
TEXT PDF86.130 What does the State program plan do?
TEXT PDF86.131 Must I do a plan?
TEXT PDF86.132 What are the advantages to doing a plan?
TEXT PDF86.133 What are the plan standards?
TEXT PDF86.134 What if I am already carrying out a plan?
TEXT PDF86.136 What must be in the plan?
TEXT PDF86.137 What variables should I consider?

