Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table A-17
Miles Driven Daily Persons 15 and Older by Sex, Age and Worker StatusĀ 

(see Figure 10 in text)

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  Miles SE
All persons 15 and older 29.1 0.31
Male 37.6 0.50
Female 21.2 0.28
15-19 years 12.2 0.51
20-24 years 28.9 1.21
25-54 years 35.0 0.48
55-64 years 29.7 0.61
65 years and older 17.0 0.45
Worker status    
Employed 35.5 0.41
Not employed 16.0 0.33

NOTE: These estimates include nondrivers and those who did not drive on a given travel day who were 15 years old and older. SE = standard error.

SOURCE: The 2001 National Household Travel Survey, daily trip file and person files, U.S. Department of Transportation.

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