Death & Survivor Benefits
*Special Notice regarding Death of Annuitants
When a Federal employee or retiree dies, monthly or lump sum benefits may
be payable to survivors. You can learn about these Death and Survivor
benefits through the menu links to the left and summaries below.
Deceased Employees –
Explains monthly and lump sum benefits from the death of a Federal employee.
Deceased Annuitants –
Explains monthly and lump sum benefits from the death of a retiree.
Deceased Survivors - Explains
lump sum benefits from the death of a survivor of a Federal employee or annuitant.
Child Beneficiaries – Explains
the monthly benefits that may be due children of deceased Federal employees
and annuitants.
Students -
A surviving child of a deceased Federal employee or annuitant who is between
the ages of 18 and 22, and is a full-time student at a recognized educational
institution may be eligible for a monthly survivor annuity benefit.
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