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Bear Creek Mitigation Wetland Development

In 2005 DOE's Oak Ridge Operations Office constructed an extension to an existing haul road. Prior to construction, surveys of sensitive resources were conducted to determine the potential impact of the road. The route crossed a wide variety of habitats, with three quarters of the impacted area consisting of disturbed or very common Oak Ridge Reservation habitat types. The most significant natural resource disturbance was potential aquatic and wetland impacts near Bear Creek and its major tributaries.

The haul road corridor crossed 15 wetlands, comprising a total of 1.35 acres. Mitigation to compensate for these wetland losses from the project included:

Monitoring started approximately 4 months after completion of the stream and wetland construction and continued through summer of 2008. Stream morphology in the constructed section is relatively similar to the reference condition. The wetland is exhibiting luxurious growth with an amazing high diversity of native wetland plants.

A slide show presents information about this mitigation.

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Last Updated: September 15, 2008