Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park

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Items remain on this page for approximately two months.

Bill to Preserve DOE's NERPs

The House Committee on Science and Technology’s Subcommittee on Energy and Environment held a hearing to discuss H.R. 2729, which formally authorizes the seven existing National Environmental Research Parks as permanent research reserves. Please use the link below to view a press release from the House subcommittee.

NERP bill Witnesses Discuss Bill to Preserve NERPs

New species of beetle from ORR

A new species of beetle has been named after Dave Reichle, a retired ORNL staff member. See an article on the discovery and naming by using the link below.

Maronetus reicheli New species of beetle from ORR
(4,096,000 bytes, 1 p.)

New and revised biobriefs posted

Five new or revised biobriefs on topics related to the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) have been posted. Please use the links below to view the PDF files of these documents.

BMAPs Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program on the ORR
(1,709,871 bytes, 2 p.)
  Data Environmental Data from the ORR
(2,340,144 bytes, 2 p.)
  Nuisance Animals Managing Nuisance Animals on the ORR
(1,191,564 bytes, 2 p.)
  Pests Pests Affecting the Ecosystems on the ORR
(1,684,161 bytes, 2 p.)
  Rare Plantsa Rare Plants of the ORR
(4,109,903 bytes, 2 p.)

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Last Updated: June 29, 2009