Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table C-1
Value and Tonnage of U.S. Freight Shipments: 1997 and 2001

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  1997 20011
Value (billion $) Tons (millions) Value (billion $) Tons (millions)
Domestic 6,742 12,925 8,265 14,603
Exports 688 554 731 481
Imports 870 1,007 1,142 1,162
Total 8,300 14,486 10,138 16,246
Domestic Percent 81.2 89.2 81.5 89.9
Exports Percent 8.3 3.8 7.2 3
Imports Percent 10.5 7 11.3 7.2
Total 100 100 100 100

1 2001 value and weight for exports and imports are official U.S. trade statistics. The value for 2001 domestic shipments is a projection from the 1997 Commodity Flow Suvey (CFS) data, based on the annual average growth rate of current U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) (5.2%) between 1997 and 2001. The tonnage for 2001 domestic shipments is a projection from 1997 CFS data, based on the annual average growth rate of domestic freight movements (3.4%) between 1993-1997, adjusted for the variation in GDP growth rate between 1993-1997 (5.8%) and 1997-2001 (5.2%). The 2001 projections are subject to uncertainties, because they assume freight grew at an annual rate similar to GDP. Also, because the CFS is a survey, the data are subject to sampling and nonsampling errors.

NOTES: The 1997 domestic figures are estimates based on the CFS minus export shipments. CFS data published in other BTS publications include exports.

SOURCES: Domestic data-U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), 1997 Commodity Flow Survey data. Export and import data-USDOT BTS, Transborder Surface Freight Data; and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Exports and Imports of Merchandise CD, December 1997 and 2001.

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