Table C-13,,, U.S. Merchandise Exports to Canada and Mexico by Mode: 2001,,, Total NAFTA Exports,,, Mode,"Value (U.S. million $)","Weight (short tons)","Value to weight ratio" Truck,"191,918","88,803,724","2,161" Rail,"23,362","22,271,399","1,049" Pipeline,517,"3,904,240",133 Air,"21,869","326,749","66,928" Water,"8,777","57,155,006",154 Other and unknown,"18,791","576,622","32,588" Total ,"265,234","173,037,741","1,533" Exports to Canada,,, Mode,"Value (U.S. million $)","Weight (short tons)","Value to weight ratio" Truck,"117,694","69,452,828","1,695" Rail,"12,973","18,314,179",708 Pipeline,221,"643,965",344 Air,"15,163","250,398","60,554" Water,"2,900","32,058,760",90 Other and unknown,"14,773","365,699","40,397" Total ,"163,724","121,085,828","1,352" Exports to Mexico,,, Mode,"Value (U.S. million $)","Weight (short tons)","Value to weight ratio" Truck,"74,223","19,350,897","3,836" Rail,"10,389","3,957,221","2,625" Pipeline,296,"3,260,275",91 Air,"6,706","76,350","87,832" Water,"5,877","25,096,246",234 Other and unknown,"4,018","210,923","19,049" Total ,"101,509","51,951,912","1,954" "NOTES: Other includes ""flyaway aircraft"" (i.e., aircraft moving from the manufacturer to a customer and not carrying any freight), vessels moving under their own power, pedestrians carrying freight, and miscellaneous. Shipments that neither originate nor terminate in the United States (i.e., in-transit shipments) are not included here, although they use the U.S. transportation system. These shipments are usually part of Mexico-Canada trade and simply pass through the United States. Merchandise trade data exclude export shipments valued at less than $2,500 and import shipments valued at less than $1,250. Individual modal totals may not sum to exact export or import totals due to rounding.",,, "SOURCES: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, special tabulation, May 2002; based on: total trade, air, and water—U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, FT920 U.S. Merchandise Trade (Washington, DC: 2001); all land modes—U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight Data, January 2002.",,,