Table 32,,,,,,,,,,,, Top 10 Countries for U.S. Direct Investment Abroad and Foreign Direct Investments in the United States: 1997–2000 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, (Billions of current U.S. dollars),,,,,,,,,,,, Rank in 2000,Country,1997,1998,1999,2000,Percentage in 2000 ,,,,,, U.S. direct investment abroad,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,United Kingdom,154,183,212,233, 18.8 ,,,,,, 2,Canada,97,98,111,126, 10.2 ,,,,,, 3,Netherlands,69,90,106,116, 9.3 ,,,,,, 4,Japan,34,41,49,56, 4.5 ,,,,,, 5,Switzerland,31,38,49,55, 4.4 ,,,,,, 6,Bermuda,38,42,47,54, 4.3 ,,,,,, 7,Germany,41,48,51,54, 4.3 ,,,,,, 8,France,37,42,40,39, 3.1 ,,,,,, 9,Brazil,36,37,34,36, 2.9 ,,,,,, 10,Mexico,24,27,32,35, 2.8 ,,,,,, ,"Total, all countries ",871,"1,001","1,131","1,245", 100.0 ,,,,, , Europe ,425,518,588,649, 52.1 ,,,,, ,"Latin America and other Western Hemisphere ",181,197,221,239, 19.2 ,,,,, ,Asia and Pacific ,145,160,182,200, 16.0 ,,,,, Foreign direct investment in the U.S.,,,,,,,,,,, 1,United Kingdom,129,137,167,230, 18.5 ,,,,, 2,Japan,125,134,153,163, 13.2 ,,,,, 3,Netherlands,85,92,126,152, 12.3 ,,,,, 4,Germany,69,93,112,123, 9.9 ,,,,, 5,France,50,60,82,119, 9.6 ,,,,, 6,Canada ,65,73,77,101, 8.1 ,,,,, 7,Luxembourg,12,27,57,83, 6.7 ,,,,, 8,Switzerland ,38,48,54,82, 6.6 ,,,,, 9,Sweden,11,17,21,27, 2.2 ,,,,, 10,Ireland,10,12,16,23, 1.9 ,,,,, ,"Total, all countries",682,778,966,"1,239", 100.0 ,,,,, ,Europe,429,519,670,891, 71.9 ,,,,, ,Asia and Pacific ,146,154,175,194, 15.7 ,,,,, ,"Latin America and other Western Hemisphere",34,28,38,43, 3.4 ,,,,, "NOTE: The Bureau of Economic Analysis defines U.S. direct investment abroad as the ownership or control, directly or indirectly, by 1 U.S. person of 10% or more of the voting securities of an incorporated foreign business enterprise or the equivalent interest in an unincorporated foreign business enterprise.",,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, International Accounts Data, ""U.S. Direct Investments Abroad"" and ""Foreign Direct Investment in the United States,"" available at, as of May 2002.",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,