Figure 19,,,, Overall U.S. International Trade in Merchandise and Services by Sector: 1990–2001,,,, (Percent),,,, ,Merchandise,Services,, 1990, 76.8 , 23.2 ,, 1991, 76.1 , 23.9 ,, 1992, 76.9 , 23.1 ,, 1993, 77.2 , 22.8 ,, 1994, 77.9 , 22.1 ,, 1995, 78.6 , 21.4 ,, 1996, 78.4 , 21.6 ,, 1997, 78.6 , 21.4 ,, 1998, 78.1 , 21.9 ,, 1999, 78.8 , 21.2 ,, 2000, 79.6 , 20.4 ,, 2001, 79.4 , 20.6 ,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics; based on data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Balance of Payments data, available at, as of June 2002.",,,,