Table 17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Air Carrier Revenue Freight Ton-Miles and Passenger Miles: 1980 - 2004,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Billions),,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ," 1980"," 1990"," 2000"," 2001"," 2002"," 2003"," 2004","Percent change, 1980-2004","Annual average percent growth rate, 1980-2004",,,,,, Total freight ton-miles,8,17,31,28,31,34,37, 372.4 , 6.7 ,,,,,, Domestic freight ton-miles,5,9,15,13,14,15,17, 274.1 , 5.7 ,,,,,, International freight ton-miles,3,7,16,15,17,18,20, 505.7 , 7.8 ,,,,,, Total revenue passenger miles,268,473,709,665,654,674,751, 180.1 , 4.4 ,,,,,, Domestic revenue passenger miles,204,346,516,487,482,505,557, 172.4 , 4.3 ,,,,,, International revenue passenger miles,63,126,193,178,172,169,194, 206.2 , 4.8 ,,,,,, " SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2005, online version, available at",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,