Table 10,,,,,,,,, "Commodity Flow Survey Shipments by Mode of Transportation: 1993 and 2002 (CFS Data Only)",,,,,,,,, Mode of Transportation,"Value (billion inflation-adjusted 2000 $)",,,Tons (millions),,,Ton-miles (billions),, ,1993,2002,Percent change,1993,2002,Percent change,1993,2002,Percent change All Modes," 5,862 "," 8,382 ",43.0," 9,688 "," 11,668 ",20.4," 2,421 "," 3,138 ",29.6 Single modes," 4,953 "," 7,037 ",42.1," 8,923 "," 11,087 ",24.2," 2,138 "," 2,868 ",34.2 Truck (1)," 4,414 "," 6,224 ",41.0," 6,385 "," 7,843 ",22.8, 869 ," 1,256 ",44.5 Rail, 246 , 310 ,26.1," 1,540 "," 1,874 ",21.6, 942 ," 1,262 ",34.0 Water, 64 , 89 ,38.3, 504 , 681 ,35.2, 271 , 283 ,4.2 Air (incl. truck and air), 141 , 264 ,88.0, - , 4 ,NA, 5 , 6 ,20.5 Pipeline (2), 88 , 149 ,69.4, 484 , 685 ,41.4, S , S ,NA Multiple modes, 662 ," 1,077 ",62.6, 223 , 217 ,-2.8, 191 , 226 ,18.0 "Parcel, postal, or courier", 563 , 986 ,75.2, 19 , 26 ,31.7, 12 , 19 ,57.0 Truck and rail, 82 , S ,S, 39 , 43 ,10.9, 39 , 46 ,17.5 Other multiple modes (3), 12 , 21 ,S, 165 , 148 ,S, S , 161 ,S Other and unknown modes, 240 , 268 ,11.6, 543 , 365 ,-32.8, 92 , 44 ,-51.9 " NOTE: The 2002 value data in this table are adjusted for inflation to allow comparison with the 1993 data and hence they are different from those in table 3, which are in current dollars.",,,,,,,,, KEY: – Represents data cell equal to zero or less than 1 unit of measure; S = Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality; NA = Not applicable.,,,,,,,,, "(1) ""Truck"" as a single mode includes shipment that were made by only private truck, only for-hire truck, or a combination of private and for-hire truck. (2) CFS estimates for pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum. (3) Other multiple modes include combination of truck and water, rail and water, and other combinations.",,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Commodity Flow Survey, U.S. Data, December 2004.",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,