Data for Figure 16,,,,,,, Modal Share of U.S. Trade with Canada and Mexico by Value and Weight: 2004,,,,,,, (Percentage),,,,,,, ,Value,Weight,,,,, Truck, 63.6 , 28.5 ,,,,, Rail, 15.2 , 22.2 ,,,,, Pipeline, 5.4 , 13.3 ,,,,, Air, 4.5 , 0.1 ,,,,, Water, 6.5 , 37.8 ,,,,, Other and unknown (1), 3.8 , 3.3 ,,,,, " KEY: (1) Other and unknown includes ""flyaway aircraft"" (i.e., aircraft moving from the manufacturer to a customer and not carrying any freight), vessels moving under their own power, pedestrians carrying freight, and miscellaneous.",,,,,,, NOTE: These data reflect U.S. import and export trade with Canada and Mexico. Weights of export shipments by land modes are estimates from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. ,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Freight Data as of May 2005.",,,,,,,