Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version
Journal of Transportation and Statistics - Volume 5, Number 2/3

Journal of Transportation and Statistics
Volume 5 Number 2/3

ISSN 1094-8848

NOTES: The views presented in the articles in this journal are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. All material contained in this journal is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without special permission; citation as to sources is required.

The Journal of Transportation and Statistics has been discontinued by BTS because of budget constraints. Papers are therefore no longer being accepted or considered for publication. BTS hopes to bring the Journal back as a virtual publication in the future, and will post any news about the status of JTS on this page.

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Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Editorial Board
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
Paper 1 - Household-Provided Transportation: An Extension of the Transportation Satellite Accounts by Duanjie Chen, Bingsong Fang, Xiaoli Han, and Brian W. Sloboda
Table 1 - Components of Transportation Industry and Industry Output
Table A1 - Principal Data Sources
Table A2 - The TSA Make of Commodities by Industries: 1992
Table A3 - The TSA Use of Commodities by Industries: 1992
Figure 1 - Relative Shares of Household and Business Sector Vehicle-Miles Traveled and Some Related Statistics: 2000
Figure 2 - Total Transportation Services in For-Hire Industries vs. Household Production: 1991-2000
Figure 3 - Share in Total Transportation Services in For-Hire Industries vs. Household
Figure 4 - Annual Growth in Transportation Services in For-Hire Industries vs. Household Production: 1992-2000
Figure 5 - Average Annual Growth Rate in HPTS vs. Net Capital Stock in Selected Public Goods: 1992-2000
Figure 6 - Average Annual Growth Rate in HPTS vs. GDP for Selected Industries: 1991-2000
Diagram 1 - Expansion of the Production Boundary Due to the Inclusion of HPTS in the TSAs: An Illustration within the Framework of the Input-Output Accounts Use Table
Diagram 2 - The TSA Make Table of Commodities by Industries
Diagram 3 - The TSA Use Table of Commodities by Industries
Paper 2 - A Nested Logit Model of Commuters' Activity Schedules by Sachin Gangrade, Ram M. Pendyala, and Robert G. McCullough
Table 1 - Household and Person Demographic Characteristics
Table 2 - Daily Activity and Trip Frequencies
Table 3 - Definition of Explanatory Variables
Table 4 - Estimation Results for Activity Schedule Structure 3
Table 5 - Characteristics of Six Hypothetical Individuals
Table 6 - Predicted Activity Episode Probabilities and Simulation Draws for Person Number 4
Figure 1 - Activity Schedule Structure 1
Figure 2 - Activity Schedule Structure 2
Figure 3 - Trip Activity Schedule Structure 3
Figure 4 - Predicted Trip Activity Patterns for Six Hypothetical Individuals
Paper 3 - Robust Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices by Byron J. Gajewski, Laurence R. Rilett, Michael P. Dixon, and Clifford H. Spiegelman
Table 1 - Estimated Split Proportions by OD Pair for the Peak Period (7–9 a.m.)
Table 2 - Standard Deviation of the LS and the L2E Estimators for the Peak Period (7–9 a.m.)
Table 3 - Estimated AM Peak Origin Ramp Volume Using Imputation Methodology
Figure 1 - Eastbound Interstate 10 in Houston, Texas
Figure 2 - Simulation MSE Results for Contaminated Data
Figure 3 - Efficiency of the L2E to the LS versus Percentage Error of Detector Accuracy
Paper 4 - Calibration of Intercity Trip Time Value with a Network Assignment Model: A Case Study for the Korean NW-SE Corridor by Iljoon Chang and Gang-Len Chang
Table 1 - The Distribution of Highway Link Lengths Between Major Cities in the NW-SE Corridor of Korea (In miles)
Table 2 - Distribution of Lanes on the NW-SE Highway Network
Table 3 - OD Pair Numbers and Trip Segment Cities for the NW-SE Corridor
Table 4 - Fare (or Toll) for Each Transportation Mode by OD Pair (U.S. $/trip)
Table 5 - Air and Conventional Rail Travel Time and Daily Capacity by OD Pair
Table 6 - VOT Distribution Tests with Different Standard Deviations
Table 7 - Estimated Daily Trip Distribution and Weighted-Average Error with Best-Fit VOT
Figure 1 - Korean Transportation Network
Figure 2 - Current Weekday Market Share of the Korean Network
Figure 3 - Fare Comparison of Each Mode by Trip Segment
Figure 4 - Korean Transportation Network Configuration
Figure 5 - Korean Airline System Time-Space Diagram for Three Time Periods
Figure 6 - Conventional Rail System Time-Space Diagram for Three Time Periods
Figure 7 - Highway System Time-Space Diagram for Three Time Periods
Figure 8 - Connection of Sub-networks for Time Period 1 and Location Node 1
Figure 9 - Mean VOT vs. Number of Trips: Airline System
Figure 10 - Mean VOT vs. Number of Trips: Highway
Figure 11 - Mean VOT vs. Number of Trips: Conventional Rail
Figure 12 - VOT vs. Weighted Error: Total
Figure 13 - VOT vs. Weighted Error: Total
Figure 14 - Standard Deviation vs. Weighted-Average Error
Paper 5 - Efficiency Through Accountability: Some Lessons from Kentucky's Improved Medicaid Transit Service by Lenahan O'Connell, Ted Grossardt, Bruce Siria, Scott Marchand, and Maureen McDorman
Table 1 - Variables and Related Questions from the Provider Survey
Table 2 - A Comparison of Monthly Financial Mileage Data Before and After the Start of the New HSTDP (Broker) Program
Table 3 - Type of Vehicle Used for Medicaid Transportation
Table 4 - User Satisfaction Before and After the Start of the New HSTDP Program (Percentage responding "Always" or "Usually")
Table 5 - Pearson Correlation Coefficients
Figure 1 - The Structure of Accountability Under the Capitated Broker System
Paper 6 - An Application for Measuring Vehicle Travel by Visitors by Xuehao Chu, and Steven E. Polzin
Table 1 - Vehicle Travel by Florida's Visitors and Share of State Total
Figure 1 - Growth in Vehicle-Miles Traveled: State Total and Visitor Types
Figure 2 - Growth in Number of Visitors by Visitor Type
Figure 3 - Changes in Determinants of Annual Driving by Domestic Air Visitors
Figure 4 - Changes in Determinants of Annual Driving by Domestic Auto Visitors
Figure 5 - Changes in Determinants of Annual Driving by Foreign Visitors
Guidelines for Manuscript Submission
Reviewers for 2001 and 2002
Author Index for Volumes 1–5
Complete Index for Volumes 1–5
Back Cover

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