Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Changes and Revisions

Revised 2005

Employee Stock Options added to objective 57 Pages 29 & 48

Fly-Over (airspace) fees added to objective 67 Pages 31 & 47

Fuel Hedging added to objective 88.6 Pages 34 & 58 and Balance Sheet 1890 Pages  9 & 39

Passenger Facility Charges added to Balance Sheet 2040 Pages 10,11 & 40

TSA Security Fees added to Balance Sheet 2040 Pages 10,11 & 40

Revised 2006

Reserve for Depreciation Ground Property & Equip. changed on Balance Sheet from 1669 to 1639 Page 7

Revised 2007 P-5.2

Airworthiness Allowance Provisions & Overhauls Deferred expanded upon in detail accounts 5272 Pages 5 & 6

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