Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Section 2
How The Transportation Sector Can Work Together to Improve Safety Data

Sustaining the momentum achieved during the modal workshops and national conference is key to furthering the objectives of Safety In Numbers and moving from discussion to action. Stakeholders have continually expressed a desire to stay informed and engaged in the process. Toward that end, this section outlines recommended outreach activities to be conducted over the next two years.

Continued stakeholder involvement is central to the success of the action steps previously outlined in the first section of this Action Plan. Communications and outreach can be achieved through a variety of means. For practical purposes, outreach has been divided into three general categories:

  • Implementation Team - Focusing on achieving results in specific topic areas
  • National/Regional Forums - For discussion, consensus, education and networking
  • Ongoing Communication:
    • Direct Stakeholder Communication
    • Awareness through Media

A. Implementation Team

Purpose. The Implementation Team will work on specific issues related to implementation of recommendations discussed in the first section of this Action Plan. The Team will act as a touchstone for activities undertaken by internal departmental groups such as CTSTAT and the Safety Data Task Force, and ensure that actions stay relevant to industry.

How This Will Happen. BTS will assemble a team of 20 stakeholders with diverse geographic, modal, and industry representation. This team will meet four times a year in Washington, DC. BTS, together with the DOT modal administrations, recommend participants from the Safety In Numbers Workshops and National Conference participate on this team. Within the Team, ad hoc subgroups will also be established to tackle key or emerging issues. The Team will issue quarterly reports of progress on key issues and disseminate the report to stakeholders.

B. National/Regional Forums

Purpose. Stakeholders will be invited to an annual conference that will provide updates on important issues, host educational sessions on emerging or critical issues, or discuss ways to achieve consensus in critical areas. For the next year, this conference will be held at the national level and in year two, it will be held in four regions in order to highlight regional issues. Conferences will also provide an opportunity to attract media attention to the importance of transportation safety data.

How This Will Happen. BTS will take the lead role in developing content and organizing these one-day forums. The Implementation Team will provide input on program content.

In conjunction with the annual forum, the Secretary's Award for Innovation in Transportation Safety Data will be established. This award will highlight transportation data innovations that directly improve transportation system safety. A call for entries will be disseminated to stakeholders four months prior to the forum. Award recipients will be recognized by the Secretary at the national/regional event. This program also provides an opportunity to highlight the issue in both national and regional media outlets and further engage stakeholder organizations.

C. Ongoing Communication


Purpose. To provide stakeholders with regular and direct communication of action item progress and new developments related to the initiative and to create a feedback mechanism.

How This Will Happen. Means to achieve regular stakeholder communications include monthly e-mail updates from BTS, establishment of a Safety Data Bulletin Board linked to the BTS website to post information on the Safety In Numbers initiative and to act as a resource for problem-solving or information-sharing. The bulletin board will feature a transportation safety data mailbox to provide BTS with feedback on project-related issues. Conduct workshop sessions featuring DOT leadership and key stakeholders at other recognized conferences such as the Transportation Research Board, Lifesavers and more modal-specific national conferences such as AASHTO, APTA, NAGSR, etc.


Purpose: To create and sustain awareness in the transportation and statistical communities' media of progress of the Safety in Numbers initiative and highlight achievements of initiative and stakeholder successes.

How This Will Happen. BTS will take the lead in developing a variety of tools to achieve awareness through the media: For example:

  • Develop template articles for placement in transportation industry publications, adapting them to specific modes for which the articles are being written. Articles can be written by a key leader in that modal community.
  • Develop accessible data products to be distributed to transportation reporters at major newspapers and trade press on a regular basis to promote interest in the potential of safety data.
  • Convene Transportation Safety Data media roundtable with trade press.
  • Conduct radio talk show tour with issue experts.
  • Disseminate an informational mailing to transportation editors of key newspapers outlining objectives and accomplishments of the initiative.
  • Distribute a bi-annual summary of progress made against the issues and release at a National Press Club trade press conference.

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