Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Reporting Under Part 374a of the DOT’s Special Regulations with Respect to Extension of Credit by Airlines to Federal Political Candidates

Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information
Number  273
Issue Date:  2/5/04
Effective Date:   Immediately
Part:  374a
Section:  374a .6 and .7 

Since 2004 is a Federal election year, this directive is to remind carriers of the reporting requirements of 14 CFR Part 374a of the DOT’s Special Regulations.

Extension of Credit by Airlines to Federal Political Candidates

Part 374a requires air carriers operating under a certificate of public convenience and necessity under 49 U.S.C. 41102 (formerly Section 401 certificates, which includes both large and small certificated air carriers) to file reports on credit extended to political candidates for Federal Office, or to persons acting on behalf of such candidates.  This credit information is reported to the Department on DOT Form 183, "Report of Extension of Credit to Political Candidates."

Reporting Before Nomination or Election

Pursuant to Section 374.6(a), carriers shall report on DOT Form 183 the indebtedness for transportation furnished to candidates or persons acting on the candidates’ behalf that is due on the last day of a month during the six months before nomination or election. 

Under Section 374a.6(b) and (c), carriers shall file a separate DOT Form 183 only when the indebtedness for transportation furnished to a candidate or a person acting on the candidate’s behalf exceeds $5,000 on the last day of a month during the six months before nomination or election. Once activated, the reporting requirement continues on a monthly basis unless the indebtedness falls below $5,000 on the last day of any month during this period.  When this occurs, the carrier is not required to submit a report for that month and no additional reports are required unless the aggregated indebtedness climbs above $5,000.

Reporting After Election or Nomination

After the nomination or election, carriers are required to file reports only when changes occur in the indebtedness balance. Also, a final (negative report) must be filed when the indebtedness balance reaches zero.

Miscellaneous Information

The Democratic and Republican National Conventions will be held on July 26–29, 2004 and August 30-September 2, 2004 respectively. Perhaps because of an oversight, some carriers have not filed reports for six months before nomination as required by the above paragraph.  If this is the case, we request that they be filed immediately.  BTS Form 183 should be filed by the 20th day following the end of the calendar month to which it relates.  Send reports to:

K-14, Room 4125
Office of Airline Information
U.S. Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington D.C. 20590-0001

We are enclosing a copy of Part 374a and a supply of Form 183.  If additional forms are needed, they can be obtained from this office (202-366-6112).  The reporting requirements of Part 374a have been approved by OMB through July 31, 2006, under OMB Clearance No. 2138-0016.

Section 374a.7 requires carriers to retain for two years documents such as statements, invoices, and bills, relating to the furnishing of air transportation to candidates for political office or persons acting on the candidate’s behalf.

Accounting and Reporting Directives Number 246 dated July 21, 2000, is hereby rescinded.

Questions about this directive or the Form 183 reporting requirements can be directed to Clay Moritz on (202-366-4385) or by e-mail at clay.moritz@bts.gov.

This action is taken pursuant to delegated authority as set forth in section 385.27(b) of the DOT’s Organization Regulations (14 CFR 385.27(b)).

Donald W. Bright signature
Donald W. Bright
Assistant Director
Airline Information

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