Figure 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Modal Shares of U.S. Commercial Freight Shipments by Value, Weight, and Ton-Miles: 1993, 1997, and 2002 * (Percent) ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mode of Transportation,Value,,,Tons,,,Ton-miles,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1993,1997,2002,1993,1997,2002,1993,1997,2002,,,,,,,,,, Truck ,65.1 ,61.9 ,63.7 ,54.5 ,59.5 ,58.2 ,25.6 ,28.4 ,32.1 ,,,,,,,,,, Rail ,3.9 ,4.3 ,3.7 ,11.8 ,10.9 ,12.0 ,26.5 ,27.3 ,27.8 ,,,,,,,,,, Water ,8.6 ,8.8 ,8.3 ,15.9 ,15.4 ,14.8 ,24.3 ,20.8 ,16.3 ,,,,,,,,,, Air ,5.5 ,7.7 ,7.4 ,0.1 ,0.1 ,0.1 ,0.2 ,0.4 ,0.3 ,,,,,,,,,, Pipeline ,4.3 ,2.7 ,2.7 ,11.9 ,9.7 ,10.5 ,16.3 ,15.8 ,16.7 ,,,,,,,,,, Multimodal,9.2 ,11.0 ,10.6 ,1.7 ,1.5 ,1.3 ,4.6 ,5.4 ,5.0 ,,,,,,,,,, "Other and unknown ",3.4 ,3.6 ,3.6 ,4.0 ,3.0 ,3.2 ,2.5 ,1.9 ,1.7 ,,,,,,,,,, Total,100.0 ,100.0 ,100.0 ,100.0 ,100.0 ,100.0 ,100.0 ,100.0 ,100.0 ,,,,,,,,,, " KEY: * 2002 data are preliminary.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "NOTE: Multimodal includes the traditional intermodal combination of truck and rail plus truck and water; rail and water; parcel, postal, and courier service; and other intermodal combinations. The data in this figure include the Bureau of Transportation Statistics estimates of out-of-scope missing pieces. These estimates cover logging, farm-based truck shipments, truck imports from Canada and Mexico, rail imports from Canada and Mexico, air cargo imports and exports, water imports and exports, and pipeline crude and petroleum products shipments. These estimates exclude other out-of-scope categories of goods movements for which no reasonable basis for an estimate currently exists including, government shipments, service sector, retail sector, construction sector, transportation service providers, household goods movement, and municipal solid waste.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on 1993, 1997, and preliminary 2002 Commodity Flow Survey data plus additional estimates from Bureau of Transportation Statistics.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,