Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Form 41, Schedule P-5.2 - Aircraft Operating Expenses, Selected Traffic Statistics and Non-Aircraft Depreciation and Amortization

OMB No: 2138-0013, Expiration Date: 5/31/2008


Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement
A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2138-0013. Public reporting for Schedule P-5.2, Aircraft Operating Expenses, is estimated to be approximately 15 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory. This report is released to the public unless the respondent is granted confidentiality. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bernie Stankus, OAI/BTS/RITA, RTS-42, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590 or e-mail – bernard.stankus@dot.gov.

Air Carrier          _____________________

Operation          _____________________

Quarter Ended: _____________________

    Total-All Aircraft Types   Aircraft Type ____________
Aircraft Code ____________
  Aircraft Type ____________
Aircraft Code ____________
  Aircraft Type ____________
Aircraft Code ____________
FLYING OPERATIONS 5100   5100   5100   5100  
Pilots and Copilots 23   23   23   23  
Other Flight Personnel 24   24   24   24  
Trainees and instructors 28.1   28.1   28.1   28.1  
Personnel Expenses 36   36   36   36  
Professional and Technical Fees and Expenses 41   41   41   41  
Aircraft Interchange Charges 43.7   43.7   43.7   43.7  
Aircraft Fuel 45.1   45.1   45.1   45.1  
Aircraft Oil 45.2   45.2   45.2   45.2  
Rentals 47   47   47   47  
Other Supplies 53   53   53   53  
Insurance Purchased - General 55.1   55.1   55.1   55.1  
Employee Benefits and Pensions 57   57   57   57  
Injuries, Loss and Damage 58   58   58   58  
Taxes - Payroll 68   68   68   68  
Taxes - Other than Payroll 69   69   69   69  
Other Expenses 71   71   71   71  
Total Flying Operations (per sch. P-1) 5199   5199   5199   5199  
Labor - Airframes and Other Flight Equipment 25.1   25.1   25.1   25.1  
Labor - Aircraft Engines 25.2   25.2   25.2   25.2  
Airframe and Other Flight Equipment Repairs 43.1   43.1   43.1   43.1  
Aircraft Engine Repairs 43.2   43.2   43.2   43.2  
Aircraft Interchange Charges 43.7   43.7   43.7   43.7  
Maintenance Materials - Airframes and Other Flight Equipment 46.1   46.1   46.1   46.1  
Maintenance Materials - Aircraft Engines 46.2   46.2   46.2   46.2  
Airworthiness Allowance Provisions - Airframes 72.1   72.1   72.1   72.1  
Airframe Overhauls Deferred (credit) 72.3   72.3   72.3   72.3  
Airworthiness Allowance Provisions - Aircraft Engines 72.6   72.6   72.6   72.6  
Aircraft Engine Overhauls Deferred (credit) 72.8   72.8   72.8   72.8  
Total Direct Maintenance - Flight Equipment 5278   5278   5278   5278  
Total Flight Equipment Maintenance (memo) 5299   5299   5299   5299  
NET OBSOLENCE & DETERIORATION - EXPENDABLE PARTS 7073.9   7073.9   7073.9   7073.9  
DEPRECIATION - FLIGHT EQUIPMENT 7000   7000   7000   7000  
Depreciation - Airframes 75.1   75.1   75.1   75.1  
Depreciation - Aircraft Engines 75.2   75.2   75.2   75.2  
Depreciation - Airframe Parts 75.3   75.3   75.3   75.3  
Depreciation - Aircraft Engine Parts 75.4   75.4   75.4   75.4  
Depreciation - Flight Equipment - Other 75.5   75.5   75.5   75.5  
Amortization Expense - Capital Leases - Flight Equipment 76.1   76.1   76.1   76.1  
TOTAL AIRCRAFT OPERATING EXPENSE 7098.9   7098.9   7098.9   7098.9  
Total Aircraft Hours (airborne) Z650   Z650   Z650   Z650  
Aircraft Days Assigned Z810   Z810   Z810   Z810  
Aircraft Fuels Issued (gallons) Z921   Z921   Z921   Z921  
Amortization - Development and Pre-Operating Expense 74.1              
Amortizaton - Other Intangibles 74.2              
Depreciation - Maintenance Equipment & Hangars 75.8              
Depreciation - General Ground Property and Equipment 75.9              
Amortization - Capital Leases - Other Property and Equipment 76.2              

BTS Form 41 Schedule P 5.2 (rev. 02/22/2007)

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