
Monthly overview of the NIPA estimates

GDP and the Economy: Advance Estimates for the Second Quarter of 2009 | SCB, August 2009 (PDF •149 KB)

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2009 comprehensive revision

On July 31, 2009, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the results of the comprehensive, or benchmark, revision of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs).  The comprehensive revision incorporated the results of the 2002 benchmark input-output (I-O) accounts as well as changes in definitions, classifications, statistical methods, source data, and presentation.

Now Available
Gross Domestic Product News Release
Interactive NIPA Tables
Briefing: Results of the NIPA Comprehensive Revision (PDF • 232 KB)
A table that summarizes the major sources of revisions to selected components of the NIPAs is available (PDF • 119 KB)
Table Release Schedule | June 30, 2009
Additional Information
Layouts for the GDP and Personal Income and Outlays News Releases (PDF • 52 KB)
Derivation of Personal Consumption Expenditures Prices and Quantities | June 30, 2009
Briefing on NIPA Comprehensive Revision Changes | June 11, 2009 (PDF • 307 KB)
Access now available for layouts of updated table formats for all NIPA tables
Preview of the 2009 Comprehensive Revision of the NIPAs: Statistical Changes | SCB, May 2009 (PDF • 196 KB)
Preview of New Classifications for Personal Consumption Expenditures for 2002-2006 (XLS • 81 KB)
Preview of the 2009 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Changes in Definitions and Presentations | SCB, March 2009 (PDF • 644 KB)
Draft of updated table formats for personal consumption expenditures (PCE)
Preview of the 2009 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: New Classifications for Personal Consumption Expenditures | SCB, May 2008 (PDF • 363 KB)
Preview of Revised NIPA Estimates for 2002: Effects of Incorporating the 2002 Benchmark I-O Accounts and Proposed Definition and Statistical Changes | SCB, March 2008 (PDF • 254 KB)
NIPA annual and comprehensive revision plans | SCB, July 2007 (PDF • 60 KB)
National/Comprehensive Revision FAQs

NIPA annual revisions

Most recent annual revision (2008)
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates for 2005–2007 and Quarterly Estimates for the First Quarter of 2005 to the First Quarter of 2008 (PDF • 664 KB)
NIPA Tables
List of NIPA Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 150 KB)
Summary NIPA Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 144 KB)
Domestic Product and Income Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 2,524 KB)
Personal Income and Outlay Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 1,098 KB)
Government Current Receipts and Expenditures Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 1,609 KB)
Foreign Transactions Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 706 KB)
Saving and Investment Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 1,250 KB)
Income and Employment by Industry Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 860 KB)
Supplemental Tables | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 867 KB)
Newly Available NIPA Tables 3.15-3.17, 5.9, and 7.15 | SCB, September 2008 (PDF • 352 KB)
Newly Available NIPA Tables 3.18B, 3.19-3.21, 8.3, and 6.4 | SCB, October 2008 (PDF • 324 KB)
Newly Available NIPA Tables 2.9 and 7.20 | SCB, November 2008 (PDF • 116 KB)
GDP and Other Major NIPA Series for 1929-2008:II | SCB, August 2008 (PDF • 2,905 KB)
Previous annual revisions
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates for 2004-2006 and Quarterly Estimates for 2004:I-2007:I | SCB, August 2007 (PDF • 698 KB)
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates for 2003-2005 and Quarterly Estimates for 2003:I-2006:I | SCB, August 2006 (PDF • 842 KB)
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates for 2002-2004 and Quarterly Estimates for 2002:I-2005:I | SCB, August 2005 (PDF • 422 KB)
Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods for 1993-2003 | SCB, September 2004 (PDF • 1,154 KB)
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates, 2001-2003, and Quarterly Estimates, 2001:I-2004:I | SCB, August 2004 (PDF • 302 KB)
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates, 1999-2001, and Quarterly Estimates, 1999:I-2002:I | SCB, August 2002 (PDF • 758 KB)
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates, 1998-2000, and Quarterly Estimates, 1998:I-2001:I | SCB, August 2001 (PDF • 629 KB)
Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Annual Estimates, 1997-99, and Quarterly Estimates, 1997:I-2000:I | SCB, August 2000 (PDF • 414 KB)

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2003 comprehensive revision

Errata: Sources of the Revisions to Selected Income Components | SCB, March 2004 (PDF • 40 KB)
Improved Estimates of the National Income and Product Accounts for 1929-2002: Results of the Comprehensive Revision | SCB, February 2004 (PDF • 323 KB)
Preview of the 2003 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Statistical Changes | SCB, September 2003 (PDF • 280 KB)
Measuring the Services of Commercial Banks in the NIPAs: Changes in Concepts and Methods | SCB, September 2003 (PDF • 170 KB)
Measuring the Services of Property-Casualty Insurance in the NIPAs: Changes in Concepts and Methods | SCB, October 2003 (PDF • 249 KB)
Preview of the 2003 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: New and Redesigned Tables | SCB, August 2003 (PDF • 489 KB)
Preview of the 2003 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Changes in Definitions and Classifications | SCB, June 2003 (PDF • 258 KB)
Income and Outlays of Households and of Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households | SCB, April 2003 (PDF • 204 KB)
Preview of "Revised NIPA Estimates for 1997: Effects of Incorporating the 1997 Benchmark I-O Accounts and Proposed Definitional and Statistical Changes" | SCB, January 2003 (PDF • 132 KB)
Note on the Upcoming Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts | SCB, November, 2002 (PDF • 35 KB)
Selected Issues in the Measurement of U.S. International Services | SCB, June 2002 (PDF • 553 KB)

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Concepts and methods

How BEA Accounts for Investment in Private Structures | February 2009 (PDF • 118 KB)
NIPA Handbook: Concepts and Methods of the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts | July 2008 (PDF • 1,233 KB)

The first four chapters of the new NIPA Handbook: Concepts and Methods of the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts, which describe the fundamental concepts, definitions, classifications, and accounting framework that underlie the NIPAs are now available.
A Primer on BEA’s Government Accounts | SCB, March 2008 (PDF • 238 KB)
Employee Stock Options and the National Economic Accounts | SCB, February 2008 (PDF • 118 KB)
Updated Summary NIPA Methodologies | SCB, November 2008 (PDF • 258 KB)
Measuring the Economy: A Primer on GDP and the National Income and Product Accounts | September 2007 (PDF • 572KB)
MP-1: An Introduction to the National Income and Product Accounts | SCB, September 2007 (PDF • 901KB)
Housing Services in the National Economic Accounts | September 2007 (PDF • 25KB)
A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States | September 2006 (PDF • 1,190KB)
MP-5: Government Transactions | September 2005 (PDF • 4,854 KB)
The NIPAs and the System of National Accounts | SCB, December 2004 (PDF • 588 KB)
Methodology, Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods in the United States, 1925-97 | September 2003 (PDF • KB)
Corporate Profits: Profits Before Tax, Profits Tax Liability, and Dividends: Methodology Paper | September 2002 (PDF • 690 KB)
Recognition of Business and Government Expenditures for Software as Investment: Methodology and Quantitative Impacts, 1959-98 | May 2000 (PDF • KB)
Price Indexes for Selected Semiconductors, 1974-96 | February 1998 (PDF • 390 KB)
The Measurement of Depreciation in the NIPA's | SCB, July 1997 (PDF • 386 KB)
Improved Estimates of Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth, 1929-95 | SCB, May 1997 (PDF • 636 KB)
Gross Domestic Product as a Measure of U.S. Production | SCB, August 1991 (PDF • 135 KB)
MP-6: Personal Consumption Expenditures | June 1990 (PDF • 2,099 KB)

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Chain-type measures

Chained-Dollar Indexes: Issues, Tips on Their Use, and Upcoming Changes | SCB, November 2003 (PDF • 126 KB)
A Note on the Impact of Hedonics and Computers on Real GDP | SCB, December 2000 (PDF • 231 KB)
BEA's Chain Indexes, Time Series, and Measures of Long-Term Economic Growth | SCB, May 1997 (PDF • 471 KB)
Preview: BEA's New Featured Measures of Output and Prices | July 1995 (PDF • 455 KB)
Alternative Measures of Change in Real Output and Prices, Quarterly Estimates of 1959-92 | March 1993 (PDF • 261 KB)
Alternative Measures of Change in Real Output and Prices | April 1992 (PDF • 565 KB)
Economic Theory and BEA's Alternative Quantity and Price Indexes | April 1992 (PDF • 164 KB)

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The Reliability of the GDP and GDI Estimates | SCB, February 2008 (PDF • 1,592 KB)
Reliability of the NIPA Estimates of U.S. Economic Activity | SCB, February 2005 (PDF • 200 KB)
Reliability of GDP and Related NIPA Estimates | SCB, January 2002 (PDF • 513 KB)
Reliability of the Quarterly and Annual Estimates of GDP and Gross Domestic Income | SCB, December 1998 (PDF • 333 KB)
Reliability and Accuracy of the Quarterly Estimates of GDP | SCB, October 1993 (PDF • 278 KB)

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NIPA-related articles

NIPA Translation of the Fiscal Year 2009 Federal Budget | SCB, March 2008 (PDF • 453 KB)
Real Inventories, Sales, and Inventory-Sales Ratios for Manufacturing and Trade for the Third Quarter of 2007 | SCB, January 2008 (PDF • 167 KB)
Government Receipts and Expenditures: Estimates for the Third Quarter of 2008 | SCB, December 2008 (PDF • 91 KB)
Comparing the Consumer Price Index and the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index | SCB, November 2007 (PDF • 248 KB)
Comparison of BEA Estimates of Personal Income and IRS Estimates of Adjusted Gross Income: New Estimates for 2005 and Revised Estimates for 2004 | SCB, November 2007 (PDF • 1,203 KB)
Federal Personal Income Tax Liabilities and Payments for 1959-2002 | SCB, November 2007 (PDF • 51 KB)
Returns for Domestic Nonfinancial Business | SCB, May 2007 (PDF • 154 KB)
Alternative Measures of Personal Saving | SCB, February 2007 (PDF • 324 KB)
GDP and Other Major NIPA Series for 1929-2006: II | SCB, August 2006 (PDF • 2,101 KB)
Federal Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 2007 | SCB, March 2006 (PDF • 855 KB)
Saving, Wealth, Investment, and the Current-Account Deficit | SCB, April 2005 (PDF • 54 KB)
Estimates of Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function for 1959-2003 | SCB, October 2004 (PDF • 106 KB)
Note on the Profitability of Domestic Nonfinancial Corporations, 1960-2001 | SCB, September 2002 (PDF • 184 KB)
Comparing NIPA Profits With S&P Profits | SCB, April 2001 (PDF • 153 KB)
Measuring the New Economy | SCB, March 2001 (PDF • 641 KB)
Trends in Consumer Spending, 1959-2000 | SCB, March 2001 (PDF • 515 KB)

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NIPA-related research papers

A Reconciliation between the Consumer Price Index and the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index by Clinton P. McCully, Brian C. Moyer, and Kenneth J. Stewart | September 2007 (PDF • 387 KB)
An Overview of BEA's Source Data and Estimating Methods for Quarterly GDP by Arnold J. Katz | November 6-10, 2006 (PDF • 207 KB)
The Role of Hedonic Methods in Measuring Real GDP in the United States by Dave Wasshausen and Brent R. Moulton | October 12-13, 2006 (PDF • 618 KB)
Revisions to GDP Estimates in the U.S. by Dennis Fixler | October 7, 2004 (PDF • 187 KB)
NIPA Corporate Profits and Reported Earnings: A Comparison and Measurement Issues by Charles Ian Mead, Brent R. Moulton, and Kenneth Petrick | January 3-5, 2004 (PDF • 84 KB)
Working papers
This section provides links to research papers and analytical presentations prepared by BEA staff. The category includes papers that might be developed into formal papers or presentations at later dates.

The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.
An Empirical Comparison of Methods for Temporal Distribution and Interpolation at the National Accounts (WP2007-03) by Baoline Chen | August 2007 (PDF • 969 KB)
The Statistical Discrepancy (WP2007-01) by Bruce T. Grimm | March 2007 (PDF • 173 KB)
Private Nonresidential Building and Apartment Prices (WP2006-7) by Leonard Loebach | November 2006 (PDF • 967 KB)
Evaluating and Adjusting for Chain Drift in National Economic Accounts (WP2005-10) by Christian Ehemman | December 2005 (PDF • 1,403 KB)
Chain Drift in Leading Superlative Indexes (WP2005-09) by Christian Ehemman | December 2005 (PDF • 1,989 KB)
Another Look At Nonresidential Building Prices (WP2005-02) by Leonard J. Loebach | February 2005 (PDF • 151 KB)
New Quality Adjusted Price Indexes for Nonresidential Structures (WP2003-03) by Bruce T. Grimm | October 27-28, 2003 (PDF • 138 KB)
Revisions, Rationality, and Turning Points in GDP (WP2003-01) by Dennis J. Fixler and Bruce T. Grimm | January 3-5, 2003 (PDF • 386 KB)
Information Processing Equipment and Software in the National Accounts (WP2002-02) by Bruce T. Grimm, Brent R. Moulton, and David B.Wasshausen | April 26-27, 2002 (PDF • 152 KB)

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Frequently Asked Questions on the Treatment of Disasters in the National Accounts
Frequently Asked Question: What are the effects of disasters on income measures?
The Terrorist Attacks of September 11th as Reflected in the National Income and Product Accounts | SCB, November 2001 (PDF • 46 KB)

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Accounting for Renewable and Environmental Resources | SCB, March 2000 (PDF • 340 KB)
Accounting for Subsoil Mineral Resources | SCB, February 2000 (PDF • 670 KB)
Assessing BEA's Prototype Integrated Economic and Environmental Satellite Accounts | SCB, November 1999 (PDF • 293 KB)
Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditures, 1972-94 | SCB, September 1996 (PDF • 521 KB)
Integrated Economic and Environmental Satellite Accounts | SCB, April 1994 (PDF • 407 KB)
Accounting for Mineral Resources: Issues and BEA's Initial Estimates | SCB, April 1994 (PDF • 424 KB)

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1999 Comprehensive NIPA revision

Government Spending by Function: A New Presentation | SCB, June 2000 (PDF • 130 KB)
Improved Estimates of the NIPA's for 1929-99: Results of the comprehensive revision | SCB, April 2000 (PDF • 134 KB)
Improved Estimates of the National Income and Product Accounts for 1959-98: Results of the Comprehensive Revision | SCB, December 1999 (PDF • 259 KB)
A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Statistical Changes | SCB, October 1999 (PDF • 259 KB)
A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: New and Redesigned Tables | SCB, September 1999 (PDF • 280 KB)
A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Definitional and Classificational Changes | SCB, August 1999 (PDF • 340 KB)

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Earlier comprehensive NIPA revision articles

Government Spending by Function: A New Presentation | SCB, June 2000 (PDF • 130 KB)
Preview of Revised NIPA Estimates for 1992 From the 1992 I-O Accounts | SCB, December 1997 (PDF • 168 KB)
Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: New and Redesigned Tables | SCB, October 1995 (PDF • 346 KB)
Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Recognition of Government Investment and Incorporation of a New Methodology for Calculating Depreciation | SCB, September 1995 (PDF • 482 KB)

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Last updated: Friday, August 21, 2009