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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Download Bernalillo County GIS Data

Download Geodatabase: Zip File
Name  Feature Metadata Preview
Cities & Communities  Polygon  Metadata  Map
County Boundary  Polygon  Metadata  Map
County Commission Districts  Polygon  Metadata  Map
County Index  Polygon  Metadata  Map
Neighborhood Associations  Polygon  Metadata  Map
Open Space  Polygon  Metadata  Map
Parks & Recreation Facilities  Polygon  Metadata  Map
Voting Precincts  Polygon  Metadata  Map

Download Shapefiles 
The shapefiles are extracted from the geodatabase feature classes. The shapefile field names are truncated to 10 characters. Some shapefile field names have been renamed from the original geodatabase feature classes field names to be more descriptive.
Name  Feature  Shapefile
Cities & Communities  Polygon  Zip File
County Boundary  Polygon  Zip File
County Commission Districts  Polygon  Zip File
County Index  Polygon  Zip File
Neighborhood Associations  Polygon  Zip File
Open Space  Polygon  Zip File
Parks & Recreation Facilities  Polygon  Zip File
Voting Precincts  Polygon  Zip File

Assessor Parcel Database
Please contact the Bernalillo County Assessor's Office for the Assessor Parcel Database GIS data set.

Copyright 1997-2006 Bernalillo County

While Bernalillo County provides the information on this server to anyone, we retain copyright on all text, graphic images, and other content. This means that you may not: distribute the text or graphics to others without the express written permission of Bernalillo County; "mirror" this information on your server without our permission; or modify or re-use the text or graphics on this system. You may: print copies of the information for your own personal use and; reference this server from your own documents. Commercial use of the materials is prohibited without the written permission of Bernalillo County. In all copies of this information, you must retain this notice and any other copyright notices originally included with such information.

Bernalillo County reserves all other rights.