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Future Technologies

The Future Technologies group performs basic research in core technologies for future generations of high-end computing architectures, including experimental computing systems. Using measurement, modeling, and simulation, we investigate these technologies with the goal of improving the performance, efficiency, reliability, and usability of these architectures for our sponsors. Accordingly, we develop new algorithms and software systems to effectively exploit the specific benefits of each technology.

See our group website for more details on these topics:

Group leader: Jeffrey Vetter
Email: vetter@ornl.gov
Phone: 865-576-7115
Fax: 865-241-4008
Group Secretary:Deborah Holder
Email: holderdl@ornl.gov
Phone: 865-576-7433
Fax: 865-241-2650
Plant Mail/Location: Building 5100, MS-6173
Postal Mail: ORNL, P. O. Box 2008, Bldg. 5100,
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6173


Computer Science & Engineering
- Performance
  Sadaf R. Alam, Nikhil Bhatia, Jeffrey S. Vetter (PI) Modeling Assertions: Symbolic Model Representation of Application Performance
Philip C. Roth, Jeffrey S. Vetter (Leader), Weikuan Yu Understanding and Optimizing Data Input/Output of Large-Scale Scientific Applications
Computer Science & Engineering
- Storage
  Philip C. Roth SciDAC-2 Petascale Data Storage Institute
Computer Science & Engineering
- System Software & Tools
  Nikhil Bhatia, Collin McCurdy, Phil Roth, Jeffrey S. Vetter (PI), WeiKuan Yu FAST-OS: Petascale Single System Image
Future Systems
  Sadaf Alam, Jeremy Meredith, Jeffrey Vetter Performance and Productivity of Emerging Architectures
Sadaf R. Alam, Jeremy S. Meredith, Jeffrey S. Vetter Programming the Cell Processor: Achieving High Performance and Efficiency
Olaf O. Storaasli ORNL Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Research Speeds HPC "up to 100X"


   CSM Projects   
   Colossal Magneto Resistance   
   Compound Wavelet Matrix   
   Electronic Notebook   
   Earth System Grid   
   Functionally Graded Materials   
   New Fourier Transforms Methods   
   Statistical Physics of Fracture   
   Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Multiphysics Applications   
   High-Performance Circuit-Switched Networks   
   Packet-Switched and Circuit-Switched Networks   
   Infiniband Connections across the United States   
   Siemens Competition National Finals   
   Protein Dynamics   
  INCITE Funded Projects  
   An Integrated Approach to the Rational Design of Chemical Catalysts   
   Multidimensional Simulations of Core Collapse Supernovae   
   Predictive and accurate Monte Carlo based simulations for Mott insulators, cuprate superconductors, and nanoscale systems   
   Cellulosic Ethanol: Physical Basis of Recalcitrance to Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass   
   Clean and Efficient Coal Gasifier Designs using Large-Scale Simulations   
   Climate-Science Computational End Station Development and Grand Challenge Team   
   Modeling Reactive Flows in Porous Media   
   Assessing Global Climate Response of the NCAR-CCSM3: CO2 Sensitivity and Abrupt Climate Change   
   Performance Evaluation and Analysis Consortium End Station   

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Updated: Thursday, 18-Jun-2009 12:30:03 EDT
