Women and the U.S. Coast Guard 

Historical Information on Women in the Coast Guard and Its Predecessor Services

The all-female crew of a Yerba Buena Island 41-footer; left to right: BM1 Jane 
Piereth, BM3 Gail Wheeler, MK1 Esther Lieberman, BM1 Becky Post, BM3 Adele 
Fiorillo; April, 1989.  Photo by PA1 Ron Cabral

The all-female crew of a Yerba Buena Island 41-footer; left to right: BM1 Jane Piereth, BM3 Gail Wheeler, MK1 Esther Lieberman, BM1 Becky Post, BM3 Adele Fiorillo; April, 1989.  Photo by PA1 Ron Cabral

Overviews & Chronologies:

A female Coast Guardsman on board a cutter

A SPARs recruiting poster from World War II

Last Modified 7/8/2009