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ABQ RIDE Director Greg Payne

ABQ RIDE Director Greg Payne

In December 2005, Mayor Martin Chavez appointed Greg Payne as the Director of ABQ RIDE, the City of Albuquerque's Transit Department.

Greg vacated his seat in the New Mexico House of Representatives to accept the Transit position. Prior to that, he served on the Albuquerque City Council for four years and represented the Foothills and far Northeast Heights area. He was City Council Vice President in 2003.

Greg is an honorably discharged U.S. Navy Veteran. He attended Portland State University and the University of New Mexico. Additionally, Greg has worked in the commercial insurance industry and has served as manager or consultant for more than 50 different state and local election campaigns.

Greg is a third generation resident of Albuquerque and attended Comanche Elementary, Madison Middle School and Sandia High School. He has two children: Gregory, six, and Madison, four. He aims for innovation, results and excellent customer service at ABQ RIDE.

ABQ RIDE Accomplishments

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