About CIPM
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"Integrated Pest Management is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information along with available pest control methods, including cultural, biological, genetic and chemical methods, to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment".

Proceedings of the National Integrated Pest Management Forum. 1992. American Farmland Trust

This site is the WWW information source from and about the National Science Foundation founded Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Integrated Pest Management, located at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

For 2008/09, NSF CIPM is managing over $8 million in active projects, and additionally manages the Southern Region IPM Competitive Grants Program for USDA/CSREES through the Southern Region IPM Center. You can support Center actvities through tax-deductible donations to the Center.

CIPM has many guests and visitors each year. Every time you refresh this page, you will see one of our guests

Rose Mohammed
Ministry of Agriculture
DAR, Tanzania
visited CIPM 11/16/2006

Legend: Washington Oteno (Kenya) and Rose Mohammed (Tanzania) visit with CIPM and APHIS staff

This material is based upon efforts funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9612468 and by numerous industry, government, and grower association members and supporters