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Examples of good CRIS reports

Goal 1: Enhance Economic Opportunities for Agricultural Producers

  • Objective 1.1 Provide information, knowledge, and education to help expand markets and reduce trade barriers
    • KA 603, Generic commodity promotion, research, evaluation, CRIS # 0195193


  • Objective 1.2 Support international economic development and trade capacity building
    • KA606, Agro biotechnology in China: competitiveness impacts on U.S. soybean export markets, CRIS # 0202617


  • Objective 1.3 Provide science-based knowledge and technologies to generate new or improved high-quality products and processes to expand markets for the agricultural sector
    • KA 511, Production of acrylates, (bio-based substitutes for hydrocarbon products), CRIS # 0196131


  • Objective 1.4 Provide science-based information, knowledge, and education to facilitate risk management by farmers and ranchers
    • KA 402, Engineering solutions for sustainable aquaculture in Maine, CRIS # 0200419


  • Objective 1.5A Contribute science-based information, analysis, and education to promote the efficiency of agricultural production systems (plants)
    • KA 206, Colloidal metal particles for high resolution biological labeling (nanotechnology?), CRIS # 0187000


  • Objective 1.5B Contribute science-based information, analysis, and education to promote the efficiency of agricultural production systems (animals)
    • KA 303, Interpreting cattle genome data, CRIS # 0195320


Goal 2: Support Increased Economic Opportunities and Improved Quality of Life in Rural America

  • Objective 2.1 Expand economic opportunities in rural America by bringing scientific insights into economic and business decision making
    • KAs 134,135, 901, Tools and information for improved management of Great Lakes' fisheries, CRIS # 0166562


  • Objective 2.2 Provide science-based technology, products, and information to facilitate informed decisions affecting the quality of life in rural areas
    • KA 801, Asset Accumulation for Low-Wage Working Families, CRIS # 0189400
    • KA 802, The Influence of Home and Child Care Environments on Toddler's Language and Literacy Skills, CRIS # 0201033


Goal 3: Enhance Protection and Safety of the Nation's Agriculture and Food Supply

  • Objective 3.1 Reduce the incidence of food-borne illnesses and contaminants through science-based knowledge and education 07/16/2007
  • KA 712, New technologies and programs to enhance safety and security of dairy products, CRIS # 0201092


  • Objective 3.2A Develop and deliver science-based information and technologies to reduce the number and severity of agricultural pest and disease outbreaks, (Plant protection)
    • KAs 204, 211, Breeding vegetables for pest and stress tolerance, CRIS # 0060591


  • Objective 3.2B Develop and deliver science-based information and technologies to reduce the number and severity of agricultural pest and disease outbreaks, (Animal protection)
    • KA 311, Emerging infectious diseases poultry, CRIS # 0175567


Goal 4: Improve the Nation's Nutrition and Health

  • Objective 4.1 Improve human health by better understanding the nutrient requirements of individuals and the nutritional value of foods
    • KA 702, The impact of eliminating sodas in the school environment on the calorie and calcium intake of adolescents, CRIS # 0185078
    • KA 702, N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and human health and disease, CRIS # 0194850


  • Objective 4.2 Promote healthier food choices and lifestyles
    • KA 703, Food-store based program to improve diet and reduce risk for obesity & chronic disease, CRIS # 0202751


Goal 5: Protect and Enhance the Nation's Natural Resource Base and Environment

  • Objective 5.1 Provide science-based knowledge and education to improve the management of forest and rangeland
    • KA 121/122, Response of a Missouri River breaks riparian ecosystem to prescribed fire, CRIS # 0192395


  • Objective 5.2 Provide science-based knowledge and education to improve the management of soil, air, and water resources to support production and enhance the environment
    • KA 133/723, Hazardous substances, safeguard human and environmental health (security of people's safety and health and rapid responses to terrorist threats), CRIS # 0194236


P&A Draft Criteria for Exemplary CRIS reports:

  • Accurate coding of applicable knowledge area(s)
  • Title conveys content and relevance both to the public and to scientists
  • Clear statement of the project objectives, identifying national problem and intelligible both to the public and to scientists in relevant disciplines
  • Coherent statement of the steps to be used to address the problem
  • Project overview and objectives directly linked to the outcomes and impacts
  • Informative statement of progress to date reported
  • Concrete description of actual or planned project outcomes and relation to longer-term outcomes (a/k/a impacts), relating them to initial national problem and to progress useful for scientists in relevant disciplines for future efforts.
  • Publications and other products listed relate directly to the funded research (and ideally give an Internet link or other source).


To be sought:

  • Reports that provide useful information for program management, planning future RFAs, and evaluation of progress towards solving national problems.
  • Relevant, good quality, well-performing project outcomes.
  • (Note: Outcomes are more than publications. Research publications can serve as markers that illustrate how far work in a particular area has progressed – but publications are better used if results are picked up by other scientists, developed, taught, used in extension programs, etc.)


To be avoided:

  • Abstract statements of progress and/or outcomes that leave it unclear as to whether and how the project has actually progressed.
  • Outcomes and impacts missing, or expressed only in the future tense throughout the duration of the project.
  • Long lists of (possibly only tangentially relevant?) citations to publications

Last Updated: 07/16/2007