King County Office of Civil Rights
Bailey de Iongh, Director

Yesler Building
400 Yesler Way,
Room 260
Seattle, WA 98104-2683

TTY 206-296-7596
206-296-4329 Fax

Hours: Weekdays
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Images representing the Office of Civil Rights.

How to stop hate and value diversity

In Seattle and King County

Report hate-oriented signs or graffiti in unincorporated King County: Call King County Roads Services 24-hour helpline to get hate messages removed from King County road signs, buildings, or on pedestrian or vehicle rights-of-way. Call 206-296-8100 to report any sign or graffiti that is offensive, threatening, denigrating, or sexist. Material identified as "hate messages" will be given priority. (For removal of signs or graffiti inside city limits, contact the local city public works office or street maintenance department.)

Report hate-oriented signs or graffiti in Seattle: Call 206-684-7587 to report any sign or graffiti that is offensive, threatening, denigrating, or sexist. Such material will be removed within 24 hours.

Seattle Office for Civil Rights, Hate Free Zone Campaign: Current information on local events and rallies (external link)

In the community

(all of the following are external links)

American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee

Anti-Defamation League, 206-448-5349

Arab American Community Coalition, 206-545-1735 (Arabic Hotline 206-634-9001)

Arab American Institute

Arab Center of Washington

Council on American-Islamic Relations

City of Bellevue Cultural Diversity

Council on Size and Weight Discrimination

Detroit Free Press,"100 Questions and Answers About Arab Americans,"

Gonzaga University Institute for Action Against Hate,

One America With Justice for All, 206-723-2203, Grassroots non-profit organization established to coordinate and support critical efforts to make Washington State a hate-free zone.

If You Don't They Will, Trains individuals and organizations, youth groups, music clubs, schools, and community members how to effectively identify and counter white nationalism in the Northwest.

Lambda Anti-Violence Project

National Center for Transgender Equality "52 Things You Can Do for Transgender Equality,"

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

National Organization for Victim Assistance

Northwest Coalition for Human Dignity, 206-233-9136

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, 206-587-4009 (offers legal assistance to immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers)

Partners Against Hate, 206-587-4009

Public Health: Seattle & King County, GLBT Health: Safety and Hate Crimes (a Web project of the Southern Poverty Law Center)
"Speak Up! - Responding to Everyday Bigotry" (PDF)
"The ABCs of Sexual Orientation"

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1-866-768-7227 (1-800-877-8339 TTY)

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
"Q&A About Employer Responsibilities,"
"Q&A About Workplace Rights"
"Employment Discrimination Based on Religion, Ethnicity, or Country of Origin"

Tips for parents and teachers

Anti-Defamation League, 206-448-5349
"Empowering Children in the Aftermath of Hate: A Guide for Educators and Parents"

Council on Size and Weight Discrimination

Families United Against Hate

National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, Kids Project

National Council for the Social Studies, "Teachable Moments"

Partners Against Hate
Parents and Families Against Hate
Educators Against Hate

Safe Schools Coalition

Stop the Hate, Stop the Hate provides trainings and resources on how to prevent/respond to hate crimes and bias incidents at colleges and universities across the United States.

Teaching for Change (a Web project of the Southern Poverty Law Center)

SPLC Hatewatch, 10 Ways to Fight Hate
10 Ways to Fight Hate on Campus
101 Tools for Tolerance
Respond to Hate at School
Mix It Up At Lunch

WNET, NY, "Dealing with Tragedy"

To report harassment or discrimination, call these hotlines:

Unincorporated King County:
King County Office of Civil Rights
206-296-7592 (296-7596 TTY)

City of Seattle:
Seattle Office for Civil Rights
206-684-4500 (684-4503 TTY)

City of Tacoma:
Tacoma Human Rights and Human Services Department
253-591-5151 (253-591-5153 TTY)

Elsewhere in Washington:
Washington State Human Rights Commission
1-800-605-7323 (1-800-300-7525 TTY)

U.S. Department of Justice
Community Relations Service
Region X office

Related links

File a discrimination complaint with the Office of Civil Rights

Free fair housing workshops

Fair Housing Update newsletter

Stop Hate Resource List

To make a public disclosure request, send your inquiry to John Macdonald at

People with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations from OCR, such as written materials in alternate formats, sign language interpreters, etc. Please contact us to make arrangements.

King County Ombudsman

Equity and Social Justice Initiative