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Transit Permit Process Information


(a) Transit application (PPQ Form 586) submitted to APHIS PPQ Permit Services
(b) Application received and reviewed

(i) Proposed movement reviewed and appropriate agricultural safeguards considered as conditions of permit*
(ii) Proposed movement and conditions of permit reviewed for operational feasibility by Customs and Border Protection, Agricultural Inspection

(c) Application denied, or conditions forwarded to applicant for signature
(d) Conditions reviewed, signed, and returned to APHIS by applicant
(e) Transit Permit issued, as appropriate.

*Transit Permits prescribe required safeguards for transiting plant or plant product shipments, which are designed to mitigate agricultural risk to the United States during the transit period. These "conditions" are developed taking into consideration factors such as the:

  • nature and habits of the plant pests known or likely to be present with the plants or plant products;
  • nature of the plants or plant products;
  • nature of containers or other packaging and adequacy thereof to prevent plant pest dissemination;
  • climatic conditions as they may have a bearing on plant pest dispersal, and refrigeration if provided;
  • routing, pending exportation;
  • presence of soil or likely presence of soil;
  • construction or physical condition of container and type of carrier;
  • availability of facilities for treatment, incineration, or other destruction;
  • availability of transportation facilities for immediate exportation;
  • temporary storage area needs and availability for such needs;
  • other factors.


Last Modified: January 26, 2007