Below are brief summaries of the various tools in the ACTS Collection. The tools have been arranged within broad categories. The first three categories contain the application or "end user" tools. Although the boundaries can be blurry, these tools can be more-or-less divided into those that primarily implement standard numerical algorithms (eg. linear algebra routines), those that provide infrastructure to broadly definable user algorithms (eg. frameworks), and those that offer runtime or other external support (eg. remote steering or performance analysis). In addition to these categories, we include an additional group of tools that are targeted for use by other tool developers in the building of higher level tools. Because the tools in this group are not of immediate interest to the end users of the ACTS Collection, the documentation provided on them here is not as comprehensive as for the other tools.

Click here to learn more about Aztec Click here to learn more about Hypre Click here to learn more about OPT++
Click here to learn more about PETSc Click here to learn more about ScaLAPACK Click here to learn more about SLEPc
Click here to learn more about SUNDIALS Click here to learn more about SuperLU Click here to learn more about TAO

Click here to learn more about TAU

Click here to learn more about ATLAS AND PHiPAC

Installations Agenda Project Home

Former ACTS Tools
Globus Category: code execution
NEXUS Category: library development See Globus
Category: library development See Overture
PAWS Category: code execution See CCA Forum
Category: library development See POOMA
Category: code development
Category: code development
See CodeSourcery
Category: code execution See PDT
Category: code execution