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Forensic Artistry~A Mind

Forensic art is a law enforcement artistic technique used in the identification, apprehension, or conviction of wanted persons. Forensic art comprises numerous training methods including composite art, image modification, age progression, post-mortem reconstruction and expressive evidence. Composite art is traditionally the most commonly known method of forensic art.

Old West poster The art of composite drawing has been used by law enforcement agencies throughout history. This classic Old West wanted poster with a drawing of a "Bad Guy" is an example of composite drawings.

 Composite Art is a junction of two disciplines, law enforcement investigations and art. The detective/artist possesses both skills. The artist can confidently create a quality facial drawing. Though drawing skills are an important aspect of composite art, the real challenge is in the ability to interview and relate to a victim or witness. The purpose is to successfully gather, interpret and illustrate the information obtained from the victim or witness.

Composite art has evolved into forensic art within the last two decades. The forensic artist possesses knowledge of victim psychology, post-mortem reconstruction and human aging. These artists currently use new computer technologies and digital imagery to create more successful investigative images.

Forensic artistry brings forth the unique facial characteristics to an astonishing likeness based on witness's input. As modifications are made, the end result can be shockingly accurate. Our Forensic Artist, Detective Mary Brazas has studied under prestigious forensic and composite artists. Further studies were completed for facial reconstruction sculpture and two-dimensional identification techniques under the direction of acclaimed artists and teachers who have set the national standards for facial reconstruction. Additional training in Facial Forensic Imaging at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia provided invaluable methods to further develop and sharpen these skills.

Composite art, image modification, age progression, and post-mortem reconstruction image gallery coming soon, please visit often.