Servicing Personnel Office Newsletter Archives


Warning: Back issues of the SPO Newsletter will include links that no longer function

Years - 2009 |  2008 |  2007 |  2006 |  2005 |  2004

About the SPO Newsletter

An authorized publication, the SPO Newsletter is published under the direction of the U.S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center. Views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Department of Homeland Security or the U.S. Coast Guard. The SPO Newsletter shall not be considered an authority for any official action and is non-record material. The SPO Newsletter is published quarterly. Articles are solicited from all readers.

How to submit an article

Articles for the SPO Newsletter may be submitted by e-mail to the Procedures & Development branch e-mail address "PPC-PF-PD". Articles may also be submitted via our web form. All items approved for publication will immediately be posted on our SPO news web page.

Publication schedule

IssueDeadline for
Release date
(+/- 7 days)
Fist Quarter01 March01 April
Second Quarter01 June01 July
Third Quarter01 September01 October
Fourth Quarter01 December01 January

More PPC News Sources:

SPO Newsletters:


Issue 02/09 PDF FORMAT -- April - June 2009. Issue 01/09 PDF FORMAT -- January - March 2009.


Issue 04/08 PDF FORMAT -- October - December 2008.

Issue 03/08 PDF FORMAT -- July - September 2008.

Issue 02/08: -- April - June 2008.

Issue 1/08 -- January - March 2008.


Issue 4/07 -- September - December 2007.

Adobe Acrobat RequiredSPO News 04/07 (PDF Format).

Issue 3/07 -- July - August 2007.

Adobe Acrobat RequiredSPO News 03/07 (PDF Format).

Issue 2/07 -- April - June 2007.


Issue 1/07 -- January - March 2007.



Issue 04/06 -- October - December 2006.


Issue 3/06 -- July - September 2006.


Issue 2/06 -- April -- June 2006.


Issue 1/06 -- January -- March 2006.



Issue 4/05 -- October -- December 2005.


Issue 3/05 --  This issue includes articles and information about:

Issue 2/05 --  This issue includes articles and information about:

Issue 1/05 --  This issue includes articles and information about:


Issue 3/04 --  This issue includes articles and information about:

Issue 2/04 --  This issue includes articles and information about:

Issue 1/04 --  This issue includes articles and information about:

Last Modified 6/23/2009