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In January 2004, the Partnership produced a final Planning/Need and Feasibility (P/NF) Study Report, identifying a long-term strategy to meet the needs of the transportation network serving the border between Southeastern Michigan and Southwestern Ontario. To read about this stage of the project, please click here.

In May 2004, in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, MTO prepared and submitted an Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference (TOR) to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for review and approval. The TOR was approved by the Minister on September 17, 2004. To read about this stage of the project please click here.

This web site has been developed to provide project-related information for the Detroit River International Crossing Project.

The Canada-U.S.-Ontario-Michigan Border Transportation Partnership (the Partnership) consists of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, Transport Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the Michigan Department of Transportation.

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To view the current list of meetings and events , and to view copies of recent presentations and handout material, please visit the Canadian Meetings & Events Page or the U.S. Meetings & Events Page.

Click on the image below to view the EA Key Study Activities Checklist.

The Partnership will be seeking public input on project and community issues throughout the duration of the project. Updates on study progress and consultation activities will be provided throughout the project.

Persons interested in being placed on the contact list for this project are encouraged to contact us. A list of the media contacts for this project is available.


January 16, 2009 - Canadian Study Team Welcomes Michigan Announcement. Read more [English]

January 15, 2009 - The Facts About Air Quality and The Windsor-Essex Parkway. Read more [English] [French].

January 14, 2009 - The U.S. federal government yesterday issued a long-awaited decision approving a new Detroit-Windsor border crossing system over the Detroit River. The Record of Decision, issued Jan. 14, 2009, by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is the final environmental clearance for the DRIC Study for a proposed new border crossing system just north of Zug Island. The Record of Decision is the last step under the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to gain project approval, following four years of consultations, public hearings, traffic analyses, and environmental studies. The Record of Decision allows Michigan to begin right-of-way acquisition and construction planning for the proposed new bridge. Construction of a new border inspection plaza, bridge and interchange is scheduled to begin in 2010, with an official opening of the new crossing system planned for 2013. Please see links below for further information and how to access the ROD.

Record of Decision

U.S. Department of Transportation Press Release - USDOT Signs 'Record of Decision' for DRIC

MDOT Press Release - Federal government approves new Detroit-Windsor border crossing system

Background for DRIC Record of Decision

DRIC FEIS - Notes on Comments

January 6, 2009 – NOTICE OF SUBMISSION OF ONTARIO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - The Partnership has completed the provincial Environmental Assessment for the Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) study. As required under the Environmental Assessment Act, the Environmental Assessment will be available for public review and comment from Friday, January 9, 2009 to Friday, February 27, 2009. Click here to read more [English] [French].

January 2, 2009 - Detroit River International Crossing Study Team Files Ontario Environmental Assessment Report - WINDSOR - More than 12,000 jobs could be created in the Windsor area if an Environmental Assessment Report (EA Report) files with the Ontario Minister of the Environment December 31 receives approval this year. Click here to read more [English] [French].

December 2008 - The Michigan Department of Transportation has received Federal Highway Administration approval of the U.S. Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and 4(f) Evaluation prepared for the DRIC Study. The FEIS identifies the Preferred Alternative for a new border crossing between Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Ontario, consisting of a road connection from I-75 to a new U.S. border inspections plaza and a new bridge to Canada. The U.S. study team released a Draft EIS for public review and comment in February 2008 and conducted public hearings in March. The FEIS includes responses received during the DEIS public comment period.

No sooner than 30 days after the publication of the FEIS in the Federal Register on December 5, 2008, the FHWA will issue a Record of Decision, the next step in the U.S. environmental clearance process. Comments on the FEIS must be received on or before Jan. 5, 2009. Please see links below for further information and how to access the FEIS.

MDOT Press Release Announcing Availability of the FEIS

FEIS and Supporting Technical Reports

Copies of the FEIS are available to view in person at these locations, along with the DEIS and supporting technical reports.

Click the logo image below to visit the Windsor-Essex Parkway website at

Click here to contact the Study Team.

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