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PPC Topeka Ombudsman

Mrs. Heather Stewart
Phone: 785-250-4667

Capt Phillips introduces Heather to the crew who assembled for an all hands meeting in September 2008


My function as ombudsman for PPC Topeka is to serve as a link between the command and the unit's families. This includes questions, family concerns, information about local resources & activities. I am here to guide you in making your tour in Topeka a great one. I am always happy to hear and relay to the command any ideas or suggestions from family members. I hope that you will be able to take advantage of the benefits of the ombudsman program.


In 1999 my husband joined the Coast Guard and was stationed in Charleston, South Carolina. We were both from the great lakes area and had never experienced a hurricane and I was absolutely clueless as to the magnitude of a hurricane, what to do, or where to go during such an event. I found out about the Ombudsman program and volunteered for the position so that I could learn and pass along information to other spouses. I represented the spouses of Group and Base Charleston (now Sector Charleston) and CGC Yellowfin. My biggest responsibility there was to prepare the spouses for inclement weather by offering literature and organizing hurricane preparation meetings for spouses. From 2001 until 2005, although I was not the official Ombudsman, I offered my experience to TQC in Chesapeake, Virginia by preparing literature and hurricane preparedness information to the active duty military members. Most recently from 2005 until the summer of 2008, I was the Ombudsman for Air Station Savannah, GA.

In all of the locations that I have served as an Ombudsman, I provided information to spouses moving into the area; helped them to find resources within the community; provided spouses with support if their spouse deployed; worked with the command on morale events; and created monthly newsletters with information relative to the Coast Guard (i.e. Tricare issues, morale events) and also community information.

Last Modified 4/23/2009