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HAPC Proposals

Submitted January 2004:
Marine Conservation Alliance
    15.  South Amila/Atka coral and rockfish HAPC in the Eastern AI
    16.  Adak and Kanaga area coral/rockfish HAPCs
    17.  Amatignak/Ulak Islands and Tanaga West coral/rockfish HAPCs
    18.  Semisopochnoi and Browers Ridge coral/rockfish HAPCs

Alaska Marine Conservation Council
    9.   Adak Canyon
    10. Bowers Ridge

National Marine Fisheries Service
    4.   Named Seamounts
    23.  Eight Fathom Pinnacle
    19.  AI Coral gardens
    8.   GOA Primnoa forest

The Ocean Conservancy
    20.  Zhemchug and Pribilof Canyons Marine Reserve
    11.  Aleutian Islands Coral and Sponge Marine Reserves (4 sites)
    21.  PWS Deepwater Canyon
    1.   North Pacific Seamounts Marine Reserve Network (23 named seamounts)
    12.  Aleutian Island Marine Reserve Network

    2.   GOA Pinnacles and seamounts
    13.  AI corals/gardens
    3.    AI pinnacles and seamounts
    14.  AI core bottom trawling area
    22.  BS sea raspberry area


Alaska Groundfish Data Bank
    5.  Sanak Island rockfish HAPC in the Western Gulf of Alaska
    6.  Albatross rockfish HAPC in the Central Gulf of Alaska
    7.  Middleton Island rockfish HAPC in the West Yakutat regulatory area of the GOA

HAPC Proposal Plan team review March 8-9 2004
Annotated Agenda


605 West 4th, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2252 • Phone: (907)271-2809 • Fax: (907) 271-2817
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