Samhsa Logo FY 2001 Grant Opportunity

Grant Opportunities
August 13, 2001

Application Information:

Comprehensive Program for Substance Abusing Adults Involved With the Justice System to Be Rehabilitated, Provide Restitution to the Community, and Have Certain Privileges Restored

Guidance for Applicants (GFA) No. TI01-002

The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment announces the availability of funds for cooperative agreements for Program Rehabilitation and Restitution (R&R). These cooperative agreements will study the effectiveness of a sophisticated, multi-system program for certain non-violent substance abusing ex-felons to: 
  • improve treatment retention and outcome; 
  • reduce the stigma of past substance abuse and non-violent criminal activity by, among other things, increasing the number and percentage of persons who have their non-violent felony records sealed; 
  • reduce criminal activity, which reduces victimization; and 
  • assist program clients in becoming more fully functioning citizens of the United States.

This cooperative agreement program has been announced in response to the increasingly serious problem of non-violent substance abusing persons becoming involved with the criminal justice system, with that involvement resulting in short and long term consequences detrimental to the substance abuser, her or his family, and society. Funds are primarily available for system coordination, case management and evaluation; only a limited amount can be used for direct services as defined in the announcement.

Funding is limited to applicants in States that have laws permitting the sealing of the records of most convicted, first-time non-violent ex-felons within five years of the end of post-release supervision. This restriction is essential to the basic programmatic concepts being implemented and evaluated. Consequently, CSAT needs to place programs in States where the time period before possible sealing of records is the shortest. Further, time periods longer than five years are not acceptable given the fact the maximum permissible grant award period is five years.

Receipt date: November 5, 2001 

Click here to find announcement in the online Federal Register for August 13, 2001

SAMHSA applications consist of three parts:
1. "Part I—Programmatic Guidance" of the Guidance for Applicants (GFA) provides details about the specific program.

Click here to download Part I of this GFA in WordPerfect 6/7/8.

Click here to download Part I of this GFA in Adobe Acrobat.

2. "GFA Part II" gives standard provisions for SAMHSA applications.  However, not all GFAs require Part II.  The latest edition of Part II is always available by mail or for electronic downloading from this website. 

GFA Part II is required for this GFA; click here for more information and to download a copy of the file.

3. SAMHSA applications require forms PHS 5161 and SF-424.  These forms are available online from the Program Support Center of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 

Click here to download Forms PHS 5161 and SF-424.