Matrix: Criminal & Juvenile Justice Services

Programs and Activities

Grants Resulting From FY 2001 Budget Obligations


Special Budget Obligations 2001 - CMHS

Continuum of Care in the Jail System, Ventura County, California



The Multi-agency Referral and Treatment program (MART) developed by the Ventura County Mentally Ill Offenders Crime Reduction Strategy Committee (MIOCR) will provide specialized court processing, supervision, and provision of services to mentally ill misdemeanant offenders. This program will offset deficits in existing services to the mentally ill in Ventura County, which have often failed to provide continuity of care and supervision for the mentally ill offender. As a consequence, treatment is often interrupted, vital assessment and clinical formation are not shared across agencies, and case planning is minimal.

Goals and Objectives

The primary goals of MART are to reduce the use of jail for mentally ill offenders; decrease recidivism, reduce symptom severity, and to increase lawful self-reliance and health-enhancing behaviors.

Program Activity

MART will target offenders charged with misdemeanor offenses who meet mental health criteria (Global Functioning score less than 65 and DSM-IV Axis I mental disorder) for specialized court processing. Offenders may be released prior to their arraignment to the Augmented Services Team (ASP). The program's centerpiece is ASP, which provides comprehensive psychiatric treatment, combined with rehabilitation, counseling, housing probation, vocational, and case management services within the context of an assertive community-treatment model. It is expected that with the resources of the ASP team available to help ensure the defendant's presence at the next court hearing, offenders will be able to obtain a release on their own recognizance. The primary disposition for non-violent MART participants is formal probation and supervision with treatment by the ASP team as a term of probation to reduce jail time or in lieu of jail. Violent misdemeanors will be referred to MART only after they have served their jail terms; however, once referred, they would follow the same protocol as misdemeanor non-violent offenders.


FY 2001 Funding $921,000 - One year funding


File Date: 2/12/2009