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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Bernalillo County Open Space Vision:
To become a dynamic network of properties with important natural or cultural resources managed to benefit people, plants and wildlife by protecting or enhancing view sheds, water resources, wildlife habitat, cultural/historic sites, and prime agricultural land; and providing resource-based recreation.

Bernalillo County Open Space Mission:
To preserve and provide natural areas, cultural resources and resource-based recreation for Bernalillo County citizens. These lands are acquired and managed to conserve natural and cultural resources, provide opportunities for education and recreation and to shape the urban environment.

111 Union Square SE
Suite 200
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Monday-Friday, 8-5

Upcoming Open Space Events!

Pajarito Open Space Trail Opening and
Rx Trail Initiative Kick-Off Event

Saturday, August, 22, 2009
10:00am - Noon
Pajarito Open Space

Aldo Leopold Legacy Film Festival Competition
Submissions due by August 31st

Filmmakers have an opportunity to join the celebration of all that Aldo Leopold has done for New Mexico through submitting a film to the Aldo Leopold Legacy Film Festival.  The contest is open to filmmakers of all ages and can include documentaries, works of fiction, animation, or any other type of film that explores the theme of preserving natural resources for generations to come.

There are two categories to enter: 1) films of 15 – 20 minutes, and 2) films of 5 minutes or less.

Submissions are due by August 31st and must be submitted to:
            Bernalillo County Parks and Recreation
            ATTN: Colleen Langan
            111 Union Square St SE, Suite 200
            Albuquerque, NM 87102

Entries should be on DVD or Blu-Ray disc and will not be returned.  Please include name, age, contact information, and school (if applicable).  Screening of the winning films will be on September 11th at the Hubbell House.