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Results 1-25 of 32 for your search:
Cancer Type:  Breast cancer, female
Trial Type:  Treatment
Treatment/Intervention:  vaccine therapy
Trial Status:  Active
Start Over
Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: NCI-03-C-0040, NCI-5762, 03-C-0040, 5762, NCT00053170

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 20 to 85
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: Breast-A02-I, II, NCT00677326

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 20 to 85
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: Breast-A24-I, II, NCT00678509

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Approved-not yet active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 0359-08-HMO-CTIL, NCT00722228

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Approved-not yet active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: DFCI-03221, 03-221, 6040, NCT00731406

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UWCC-6658, 6658, IR-6658, NCT00791037

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 08-216, NCT00880464

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: NCI-05-C-0229, 6977, NCI-6977, NCT00217750

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Approved-not yet active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 191203-HMO-CTIL, NCT00162500

Phase: Phase II
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: UWCC-UW-6166, 6166, UWCC-120, UWCC-04-0951-A-01, NCT00343109

Phase: Phase II
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: JHOC-J05118, J05118, JHOC-00001801, JHOC-GT0606190101, JHOC-0605-778, GENENTECH-H3755s, NCT00397371

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UNC-LCCC-0418, LCCC 0418, NCT00266110

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: WRAMC-07-20029, 07-20029, WRAMC-9625-1186753655.52, NCT00524277

Phase: Phase II
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UMN-2007LS094, UMN-2007LS094, 0802M25946, NCT00784524

Phase: Phase II
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: JHOC-NA_00021048, NA_00021048, JHOC-J0885, NCT00847171

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UPCC-11102, NCT00079157

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UPCC-08102, UPCC-704447, NCT00107211

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 16 to 80
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: file#9427-HO778-34C, CBCRA, Award # 2003HOO542, NCT00197522

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: CTA-Control-100643, NCT00307229

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 04-101, NCT00393783

Phase: Phase I
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UWASH-01-9773-D07, NCT00436254

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: UPCC 08107, NCT00573495

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CDX1307-02, NCT00648102

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: BB-IND 12605B, NCT00674791

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UCLA-07-05-056, 07-05-056, NCT00706615
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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health