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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families...Building Communities
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For Prospective Grantees

AFI Individual Development Account Grant Funding

Assets for Independence (AFI) provides five-year grants to organizations and agencies that enable low-income individuals and families to achieve economic self-sufficiency by accumulating economic assets. Grantees provide financial literacy training to participants and help them save earned income in special matched bank accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). IDAs enable low-income and low-wealth families to accumulate savings for long-term assets such as a home, a business, or higher education and training.

Eligible grantees include community-based nonprofits and State, local, and Tribal government agencies and others, such as community development financial institutions and credit unions.

See About AFI for important information regarding program guidelines, project activities, clients served, size of project grants, and AFI legislation.

NOTE: AFI does NOT provide grants directly to individuals and their families. If you are interested in opening and IDA, please go to the AFI Project Locator to find an ongoing project near your community. Contact nearby projects directly to learn about enrollment processes.

How to Apply

The Office of Community Services is accepting applications for funding new AFI projects now! Applicants may submit application materials at any time throughout the year. OCS will review and fund new grants in three cycles annually in calendar years 2008, 2009 and 2010. The application receipt dates are as follows. OCS must receive the applications no later than 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the receipt date.

Winter Cycle -- January 15 receipt date
Spring Cycle -- March 25 receipt date
Summer Cycle -- June 25 receipt date (Accepting Applications Now! Learn More)

Key Documents and Information for Applicants

AFI Resource Center -- Request an application kit and ask your questions! Send an email note to or give us a call on 866-778-6037.

Assets for Independence Program Funding Opportunity Announcement HHS-2008-ACF-OCS-EI-0053 -- The official request for proposals that describes the Assets for Independence Program and application requirements. As originally published, the announcement did not include information about the Summer fundintg cycle. HHS issued a Modification to the AFI Program Funding Opportunity Announcement that includes information about the Summer cycle and the June 25 due date. -- Use this web site to learn about the application process and submit an application. New applicants may find the For Applicants sub page most helpful. Search for specifics about the Assets for Independence program on by using the program name, the funding opportunity number shown above, or the CFDA number (93.602).

Required Standard Application Forms -- Download the following required forms for submitting an application. These forms are also available via

SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance
SF-424A Budget Information - Non-construction programs
SF-424B Assurances for Non-construction programs
Certification Regarding Lobbying
Certification Regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Equal Opportunity Survey

AFI Project Builder: A Guide to Planning an Assets for Independence/Individual Development Account Project -- A primer written especially for organizations that are planning to apply for an AFI project grant. The guide provides information about the AFI Program and covers major topics on planning an AFI project. It includes two sections: a narrative and an appendix.

Examples of Current Grantees -- To learn more about previously-awarded applicants, please refer to the AFI Project Locator for a list of current AFI projects. Click on highlighted grantee names to link to one-page summaries including the grant amount, highlights, target population, and project description. Find existing programs in your area to contact for tips and information. You might even explore whether the current grantee organizations are interested in forming a collaborative with your organization to improve asset building opportunities in your community.

How to Submit Your Application -- Please review Section IV. Application and Submission Information in the Funding Opportunity Announcement noted above for complete instructions for submitting your application. As requested in the Funding Opportunity Announcement, when submitting an electronic application, please use When submitting an application in paper format, please provide two complete copies to this address (by U.S. Mail or hand delivery)

Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services Operations Center
Assets for Independence Program
1515 Wilson Blvd., Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22209