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Appoint Medical Member to AQMD Hearing Board


The Hearing Board Medical Member position is presently vacant, due to the resignation of Joseph D. Auerbach, M.D. in
December 2008. An Advisory Committee was appointed as required by law. The Advisory Committee interviewed candidates at its meeting on March 11, 2009, and made its recommendation to the Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee interviewed candidates at its meeting on April 10, 2009, and made a final recommendation. This action is to appoint a Medical Member to fill the unexpired term ending June 30, 2010.


Administrative, April 10, 2009, Recommended for Approval


Appoint M. Michael Glovsky, M.D. to the AQMD Hearing Board, as Medical Member for an unexpired term ending June 30, 2010.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


Health and Safety Code Section 40501.1(b) requires the AQMD to appoint a Hearing Board Advisory Committee composed of one representative appointed by each of the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino, and the City of Los Angeles. The following individuals, with a variety of professional experience, served on the Advisory Committee for this recruitment. They are:

    City of Los Angeles Detrich B. Allen, General Manager,
Environmental Affairs Dept., City of Los Angeles
    County of Los Angeles Robert A. Wyman, Attorney at Law
Latham & Watkins LLP 
    County of Orange Lucy Dunn, President/CEO,
Orange County Business Council
    County of Riverside A. Norton Younglove, former AQMD Governing Board Member, Chairman Emeritus
    County of San Bernardino Albert Arteaga, M.D.
LaSalle Medical Associates

Based on the attached criteria, the Advisory Committee members and the AQMD Health Effects Officer evaluated the letters and resumes submitted; and the individuals were ranked and grouped according to their scores. Based on the ranking, the Committee then narrowed the candidates to the following short list of candidates who were invited for interviews.

M. Michael Glovsky, M.D.
Vickie Y. Mabry-Height, M.D., M.P.H.
Fred D. Richardson III, M.D., M.S.P.H.

Dr. Richardson withdrew from consideration just prior to his scheduled interview with the Advisory Committee. The Committee interviewed Dr. Glovsky and Dr. Mabry-Height, and recommends Dr. Glovsky for appointment to the Hearing Board Medical Member position.

Based on a recommendation from the Executive Officer, with the concurrence of the Board Chair, the top two candidates were invited for interview by the Administrative Committee for its consideration and final recommendation to the full Board. The Administrative Committee recommends M. Michael Glovsky, M.D. for Board consideration.

Fiscal Impacts

Sufficient funds are budgeted each year to compensate those who serve on the Hearing Board.

Attachments (EXE, 204k)

Criteria for Medical Member Position
Resume of M. Michael Glovsky, M.D.

This page updated: April 23, 2009