Committee on the Marine Transportation System


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Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS)

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Thirty representatives from CMTS member agencies and offices attended an educational trip to the Port of Baltimore on August 11th. The visit included Seagirt and Dundalk Terminals, the MARAD reserve fleet vessel Cape Washington, the NOAA research vessel Bay Hydro II and a harbor tour.   PDF

Contact: Kathleen Bailey, 202-366-3612

View a calendar of marine transportation events.  PDF
Updates will be made to the best of our ability on a monthly basis.
Contact: Safra Altman,

On December 12, 2008, the CMTS Communications Team made available a summary of facts about the Marine Transportation System. This two-page list is agreed-upon facts and information about the MTS created by the CMTS Federal interagency communications team. Importantly, the “MTS Fact Sheet” includes a third page of citations for quick reference. Contact: Gary Magnuson,
Facts About the MTS PDF

On Thursday, July 10, 2008, the U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System approved the ”National Strategy for the Marine Transportation System:  A Framework for Action."  The strategy contains over 30 actions for federal agencies to address five priority areas: system capacity, safety and security, environmental stewardship, resiliency and long-term funding.


Last updated: 8/13/2009