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The Planet Hunters - An ongoing series of profiles and interviews with those who are working behind the scenes in NASA's quest for new worlds.
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Angling for extraterrestrials and Earthlike worlds
Angling for extraterrestrials. Engineer helps track down Earthlike worlds
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On a quest for astronomy's holy grail
Sara Seager's Quest for the holy grail
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Photographer to the stars
Webster Cash's passion for space began when he saw his first planetarium show as a child.
For planet-hunter Rachel Akeson, science is in the genes
For planet-hunter Rachel Akeson, science is in the genes
Putting together the big picture in planet-finding
Putting together the big picture in planet-finding
Finding beauty in the universe
Beauty in the universe
A conversation with Navigator Chief Scientist Wes Traub
A conversation with Navigator Chief Scientist Wes Traub
Burning the midnight oil at 13,600 feet
Robert Ligon - Burning the midnight oil at 13,800 feet
Former athlete flexes new muscles to aid planet search
Ken Brown - Former athlete flexes new muscles to aid planet search
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A conversation with 'Origins' host Neil Tyson
(September 22, 2004)
A conversation with 'Origins' host Neil Tyson
Marcy predicts discovey of another 'Earth' within decade
Leading planet-finder predicts discovery of another 'Earth' within decade.
A conversation with a planet hunter
A conversation with a planet hunter