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Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Submission of the Case-Level Report (ACF-801)


Head of Family Receiving Assistance

The following elements (items 1-16) refer to the head of the family receiving child care assistance. The "Head of Family Receiving Assistance," is the person for whom eligibility is determined. If the child is considered a family of one (i.e., a protective service case), then all items refer to the child.

  1. Reporting Period: The month and year being reported. The report should include information about the families and children who actually received child care services during the reporting month, irrespective of when payment is made for those services.
  2. Unique State Identifier: A unique identifying number, up to fifteen characters, assigned by the State to the family receiving child care assistance. States may use alphanumeric characters. The Social Security Number may not be required of families as a condition of eligibility. However, in the absence of the Social Security Number, the Child Care Bureau requires that States use a Unique State Identifier to ensure that cases are unduplicated for reporting purposes in accordance with the Statute governing the Child Care and Development Fund. If a case has neither a Social Security Number nor a Unique State Identifier, the data related to the case cannot be processed.
  3. Social Security Number: The Social Security Number of the head of the family. Again, States are reminded that CCDF eligibility may not be denied because a parent chooses not to provide their Social Security Number. (See ACYF-PI-CC-00-04 issued October 27, 2000). In cases in which care is being provided to a child as a family of one, the child's Social Security Number is used for this element.
  4. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Code: The FIPS Code geographic identifier issued by the National Bureau of Standards to designate where the head of the family receiving assistance is residing. A list of all FIPS codes can be found at the Child Care Bureau's Technical Assistance Web site (/programs/ccb/systems/index.htm) or by contacting the Child Care Automation Technical Assistance Center (1-877-249-9117). This includes a two digit State code and three digit county code.
  5. Single Parent: A single parent/adult who is legally/financially responsible for and living with a child where there is no other adult legally/financially responsible for the child in that eligible family. If there is someone else in the household who does not have legal/financial responsibility for the child, the legally/financially responsible applicant is still considered a single parent. A one-digit code indicates if the head of the family receiving assistance is single or not
      0 -- No
      1 -- Yes
      9 -- Not applicable; child is reported as head of household. (If "9" is selected, indicate the Child's Social Security Number in Item 3).
  6. Reason for Receiving Subsidized Child Care: The one-digit code indicating the reason for receiving subsidized child care. If more than one category applies, report the primary reason. "Other" should only be used when no other category applies and should not be used to report missing data.
      1 -- Employment
      2 -- Training/Education
      3 -- Both Employment and Training/Education
      4 -- Protective Services
      5 -- Other
      6 -- Federal Declared Emergency and Employment, including on-the-job training;
      7 -- Federal Declared Emergency and Training/Education;
      8 -- Federal Declared Emergency and Both Employment and Training/Education;
      9 -- Federal Declared Emergency and Protective Services;
      0 -- Federal Declared Emergency and Other.

  7. Total Monthly Child Care Co-payment by the Family Receiving Assistance: The monthly dollar amount the family receiving assistance must pay for child care services for the month being reported (the co-payment assigned by the Lead Agency or its designee).
  8. Date Child Care Assistance to the Family Started: The numbers for the month and year child care assistance started for the family receiving assistance. If there was a short interruption of up to three months in child care assistance (for reasons such as a vacation or illness) indicate the original month/year the assistance started, rather than when the assistance resumed.
  9. Total Gross Monthly Income: The total monthly dollar amount received by the family prior to any deductions that may be allowed for determining eligibility and/or co-payments. This includes cash assistance received under TANF or other program but not income disregarded in Temporary Assistance to Needy Families eligibility determinations. The amount should be rounded to the nearest dollar.

FAMILY INCOME BY SOURCE: Items 10 through 15, sources of income, require a "yes" (1) or "no" (0) answer as they relate to the family receiving assistance for the month being reported. Even if a source of income is disregarded for eligibility determination purposes, the correct answer is "yes" for a family that received income from that source in the reporting month. If, on a case-by-case basis, income is not used to determine eligibility for protective service cases, items 10-15 do not have to be reported for such cases. Item 13, "State program in which State spending is counted toward Temporary Assistance to Needy Families MOE," refers to State-funded initiatives that provide assistance to needy families. Lead Agencies will need to consult with their Temporary Assistance to Needy Families administrative offices to determine which programs are used for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families MOE since these programs differ from State to State.

  1. Employment income, including self-employment.
  2. Cash or other monetary assistance under Title IV of the Social Security Act (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
  3. State program for which State spending is counted towards Temporary Assistance to Needy Families MOE
  4. Housing voucher or cash assistance
  5. Assistance under the Food Stamps Act of 1977
  6. Other Federal Cash Income Programs (such as SSI )
  7. NUMBER IN ELIGIBLE FAMILY (New Data Element): Number of family members upon which eligibility is based. The field size is two (2) with a required value within the range of 1 to 99. The change must be implemented for the reporting period beginning with the month of January 2002
Dependent Children Receiving Child Care Assistance (One record per child)

These items, 17 through 25, refer to dependent children in the family receiving child care assistance and indicate the demographic characteristics of children receiving care. States and Territories are required to request information about ethnicity and race. However, if a parent refuses to report ethnicity and/or race for their child, the field should be left blank.

  1. Child's Social Security Number (Optional): Indicate the Social Security Number of the child receiving assistance.
  2. Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity: Indicate the one digit code for the ethnicity of each child. (Ethnicity should be determined for every child in the family).

    0- No
    1 -Yes

    RACE OF CHILD (ITEMS 19-23) applies to each child receiving care. Indicate the code for "yes" (1) or "no" (0) for each race listed below. Select yes for as many races as reported by the family. (Each child should have at least one race coded yes.)

  3. American Indian or Alaskan Native
  4. Asian
  5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  6. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  7. White
  8. Child's Gender: Indicate the one digit code for the gender of the child receiving care.

    1 - Male
    2 - Female

  9. Month/Year of Birth: Enter the numbers for the month and year of birth of the child receiving care.

Child Care Provider (One record for each provider for each child)
  1. Type Of Child Care:

    Definitions: Provider types are divided into two broad categories: "licensed/regulated" and "legally operating without regulation." For reporting purposes, a legally operating, unregulated provider is a provider that, if not participating in the CCDF program, would not be subject to any State or local child care regulations. The "licensed/regulated" and "legally operating without regulation" categories each include four types of providers (each State's definition of these terms apply): in-home, family home, group home, and centers. A relative provider is defined as being at least 18 years of age and the grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt or uncle, or sibling (living outside of the child's home) of the child in care. The following codes specify the type of care provided by each provider for each child during the report month.

    01 -- Licensed/regulated in-home child care
    02 -- Licensed/regulated family child care
    03 -- Licensed/regulated group home child care
    04 -- Licensed/regulated center-based care
    05 -- In-home care provided by a non-relative in a setting legally operating without regulation
    06 -- In-home care provided by a relative in a setting legally operating without regulation
    07 -- Family home child care provided by a non-relative in a setting legally operating without regulation
    08 -- Family home child care provided by a relative in a setting legally operating without regulation
    09 -- Group home child care provided by a non-relative in a setting legally operating without regulation
    10 -- Group home child care provided by a relative in a setting legally operating without regulation
    11 -- Child care center legally operating without regulation

    This group of questions applies to the child care provided to each child. Include all providers receiving subsidies for each child in the family receiving care

  2. Total Monthly Amount Paid to the Provider: For each child receiving care, indicate the total monthly dollar amount (rounded to the nearest dollar) paid or to be paid to the provider for the care of the child. The total monthly amount should include Federal, State, and locally funded amounts as well as the amount the parent is responsible for contributing as the assigned co-pay. (This should not include any other amount the provider may charge the parent in addition to the co-pay determined by the Lead Agency or its designee.)
  3. Total Hours of Care Provided in the Month: Indicate the total number of hours of care provided for the reporting period (rounded to the nearest whole number).

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 -- Public reporting burden for this data collection of information is estimated to average 50 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data needed, and reviewing the collection of information.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB Approval Number: 0970-0150 Expires: 8/31/20

Posted July 7, 2008