SLTe Top Cross Section with SLTe Tags: Public Webpage

The SLTe is a soft electron tagger designed to identify electrons that originate from the semi-leptonic decay of heavy flavor jets. We use conversion electrons and tracks in generic jets from data to parameterize the electron and fake electron tagging rate in MC. We also implement a special conversion filter to reject electrons from conversion removal. We have used it to tag b-jets associated with top pair production. We measure a top cross section of:

σtt (pb) = 7.8 ± 2.4 (stat) ± 1.5 (syst) ± 0.5 (lumi)


Click here for the public note documenting our method.

Click here to link to the internal webpage.

Plots and Tables for the SLTe Tagger

Tagging efficiency as a function of PT of the SLTe tagger for conversion electrons. On the left is the breakdown of each component of the tagger. On the right is the total efficiency for all three operating points (tag levels).

Tagging efficiency as a function of PT of the SLTe tagger for fake electrons modeled by tracks in generic jets. On the left is the breakdown of each component of the tagger. On the right is the total efficiency for all three operating points (tag levels).

Conversion removal efficiency scale factor measurement in the generic jet datasets (jet20/50/70/100) as a function of the track PT. This demonstrates the reliablity of the SF measurement technique.

Prediction of the Fake Matrix in the jet20/50/70/100 samples using the loosest operating point of the SLTe tagger. The distribution is as a function of corrected Jet ET. This demonstrates that the Fake Matrix predicts the fake electron tagging rate well both above and below the jet trigger threshold.

Predicted and measured SLTe tagging efficiency in a bb sample. The sample is constructed out of di-jet events. The primary jet is double-tagged with a loose secondary vertex tag and an 8 GeV electron or muon. The "away" jet is tagged with a tight secondary vertex tag. The SLTe efficiency is measured in the "away" jet in both data and MC. In MC, the tag breakdown is shown in terms of electrons from HF, electrons from conversions, and fake electrons.

PT distribution of tags in the aforementioned bb sample. On the left is shown tags with an 8 GeV electron and on the right is shown tags with an 8 GeV Muon. An additional breakdown is shown of the sample when the two leptons (one the SLTe tag, and on the 8 GeV lepton) have the same and opposite charge.

Plots and Tables for the Cross Section Measurement

W+Jets Sample Composition (Table)

W+Jets Sample Composition (Plot)

Systematics Summary

Kinematic Distributions

SLTe tagged track PT in the signal region.

Invariant mass between primary lepton and SLTe tag in the signal region.

HT of the Event in the signal region.

Missing ET of Event in the signal region.

Reconstructed transverse Mass of W in the signal region.