Near-IR Water Vapor Retrieval from MODIS

Images & Animations

  • Credit

    Bo-Cai Gao and Rong-Rong Li, NASA-GSFC Atmosphere Team

Examples of retrieving column amount of atmospheric water vapor from MODIS channels located within and around the 0.94-micron water vapor band. The left panel shows a false color image processed from MODIS channels centered at 0.645 (false red), 0.86 (false green), and 0.47 micron (false blue). The lower part of the scene covers portions of India and India Ocean. The upper part of the scene covers Nepal and part of Tibet Plateau. The MODIS data were collected on March 2, 2000 at UTC 0525. The middle panel shows the column water vapor image derived from the MODIS data. The right panel shows an image of surface elevations for the scene. It is seen from these images that column water vapor values vary significantly with surface elevations.


  • Sensor

  • Visualization Date
