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Spare the Air Status

Wednesday 8/26

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

San Mateo County beach sunset
San Mateo County
Conservation Tip

Driving less helps the environment because cars are the major source of air pollution and greenhouse gas in the Bay Area.




415 749-4990

Engineering Contacts
Full BAAQMD Directory

Engine Permits

An air quality permit is a document that states the requirements for equipment to comply with air pollution laws and regulations. Air quality permits, like city and county building permits, are required by state and federal law as a part of doing business in the San Francisco Bay Area. The District's rules and regulations cover both large and small businesses. New air quality permits are needed for:

  • Any equipment that may cause air pollution
  • Modifications of existing permitted equipment
  • Existing permitted equipment at a facility with a new owner
  • Permitted equipment that is transferred from one location to another
  • Installation of abatement equipment used to control emissions

The permit system requires an engineering review of the equipment design and an inspection of the installed equipment to ensure compliance with District regulations. Two types of permits are required:

  • An Authority to Construct, issued after District engineers review a proposed project and determine if it is capable of complying with air quality laws; and
  • A Permit to Operate, issued after the project is built and compliance is demonstrated.

Both the Authority to Construct and the Permit to Operate are issued under the same permit application. By granting a permit, we indicate that equipment should be able to comply with all air quality rules and regulations.

If you need a permit you must submit the following, either in person or by mail:

  • Permit application forms ( Form P-101B and applicable District data forms for equipment operation )
  • A detailed description of your equipment
  • Detailed information on emissions and operations

Applications should be directed to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's headquarters at 939 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94109. Permit staff is assigned to handle each permit application and will contact you regarding application fees and any additional information needed. Processing time varies depending on the complexity of the application.