Argonne User Facility Agreements

About User Agreements

If you are not an Argonne National Laboratory employee, a user agreement signed by your home institution is a prerequisite for experimental work at any of Argonne’s user facilities. The Department of Energy recently formulated master agreements that cover liability, intellectual property, and financial issues (access templates from the links in the left sidebar).  The names of institutions with master agreements currently in place appear below.

How to Request a User Agreement

If your institution does not appear in the list below*, complete an online User Agreement Questionnaire, which is the first step toward putting a master user agreement in place.

* if there is a limited agreement covering participants from your institution for research at the specific facility you plan to use, it will be valid during the transition to a master agreement.

57 Institutions with Master Agreements in Place

(N indicates a non-proprietary agreement; P indicates proprietary.)
If you need a copy of one of these agreements, contact Anne Owens at
  • Academia Sinica (N)
  • Aerospace Corporation (N)
  • Alabama A&M University (N)
  • Ames Laboratory (N)
  • Arizona State University (N)
  • BAM Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung) (N)
  • Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation (N)
  • Brigham Young University (N)
  • Brookhaven National Laboratory (N)
  • Bryn Mawr College (N)
  • Canadian Light Source Inc. (N)
  • Carnegie Institution of Washington (N)
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),CIMAP-GANIL (N)
  • College of William & Mary (N)
  • DaLian Institute of Chemical Physics (N)
  • DePaul University (N)
  • DePauw University (N)
  • Drexel University (N)
  • Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena (Univ. of Jena) (N)
  • Hampton University (N)
  • Illinois Institute of Technology (P & N))
  • Institut Catala de Nanotecnologia (N)
  • Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz (N)
  • Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. (N)
  • Max-Planck-Institut for Biophysical Chemistry (N)
  • Michigan State University (N)
  • Nanonex Corporation (N)
  • National ChiaYi University (N)
  • Northeastern Illinois University (N)
  • Northern Illinois University (N)
  • Northwestern University (N)
  • Ohio Wesleyan University (N)
  • Purdue University (N)
  • Receptos, Inc. (P)
  • Rice University (N)
  • Rigaku Corporation (N)
  • Safarik University (N)
  • South Dakota State University (N)
  • State University of New York, Stony Brook (N)
  • Technische Universitaet Munchen (N)
  • The University of Chicago (N)
  • The University of Manitoba (N)
  • The University of Texas at Austin (N)
  • University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa (N)
  • University of Bonn (N)
  • University of Cincinnati (N)
  • University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) (N)
  • University of Massachusetts Lowell (N)
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln (N)
  • University of Tennessee (N)
  • University of the West of Scotland (N)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (N)
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (N)
  • U.S. Army, ARDEC, Picatinny (N)
  • Washington State University (N)
  • Western Michigan University (N)