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Regulations and Assessments

International Animal Product Export Regulations



If you have any questions or concerns regarding these regulations for exporting animals or animal products to a foreign country, you should contact the APHIS-VS Area Office in the State from which the animals or products will be exported.

Animal Products to Brazil

Brazil has announced that the requirement for health certificates/permits of animal products to be "consularized" no longer exists. This change means that a health certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of origin of the animal product is sufficient.

Brazil currently prohibits the importation of unprocessed (non-heat treated) poultry products from the United States. Exporters should have their importers verify that processed products containing poultry ingredients meet the requirements of the government of Brazil prior to export.

Bovine Gelatin (Bovine Bone Derived) - July 2008 (pdf 12kb)

Certain Ruminant Products and Byproducts - July 2008 (pdf 77kb)

Certificate for Fresh Bovine, Ovine, Caprine or Porcine Hides - Please verify (affidavit or statement) that the container seal has been placed on the container prior to issuing certificate - June 2007 (pdf 17kb)

Dairy Products Destined for Animal Feeding - November 2008 (pdf 14kb)

Egg Products Intended for Animal Feeding - October 2008 (pdf kb)

Porcine Gelatin Products - July 2008 (pdf 99kb)


Last Modified: October 24, 2008