United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

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Secretary Shinseki Addresses the 110th Veterans of Foreign Wars Annual National Convention

Secretary Shinseki spoke to veterans at the 110th Veterans of Foreign Wars Annual National Convention in Phoenix. He discussed issues that are important to today's veterans and shared his vision for transforming VA into a high-performing 21st century organization that serves Veterans by increasing access to services and benefits, providing the highest quality of healthcare available, and controlling costs.

Secretary Shinseki (left) greets Veterans after the Philadelphia Veterans Forum.

Philadelphia Forum Focuses on Veterans' Issues

Senator Arlen Specter (PA) and Secretary Shinseki participated in a Veterans Forum Monday, August 17, at Drexel University in Philadelphia. The event attracted more than 200 attendees and was the first of two Veterans town halls held the same day in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - the second coming some three hours later and 300 miles away in Pittsburgh. The forum included VA health care, disability and retirement benefits, and education. Drexel University also held a Veterans educational fair, with information for prospective students about the post-9/11 GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon program.

President Obama's Commitment to Veterans' Health Care

The President is committed to ensuring that the Department of Veterans Affairs provides America's Veterans the highest-quality health care possible. His budget requests the largest single-year increase in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs in three decades, and significantly expands coverage, extending care to 500,000 more veterans who were previously excluded.

Health reform will only build on the President's commitment to Veterans' health care. The VA Healthcare system will continue to be available for all eligible Veterans. Also, Veterans and their families will have additional choices for high-quality, affordable health care, with consumer protections that prevent insurance companies from denying coverage or setting a limit on the coverage they will provide.

The health reform legislation that the House of Representatives is considering would enable those who are covered by VA care, including dependents of certain veterans enrolled in the CHAMPVA program, to meet the individual responsibility mandate; thereby exempting such veterans and dependants from being assessed penalties. If enacted, the President will ensure that this exemption is implemented aggressively. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs would continue to maintain sole authority over the system and for enhancing the quality and access for all eligible Veterans.

Veterans seeking information about their rights under the proposed settlement of the court case involving the May 3, 2006, theft of computer equipment from the home of a former VA employee can visit www.VeteransClass.com for more information.

The American Veteran video The American Veteran » Monthly video magazine featuring important veterans issues.
VA News video VA News » Weekly video featuring news and information about the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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